Chapter 6: Not your average groupie

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"Oh my god I need all the detailsss!!!" Wanda squealed when you showed up to her house the next morning to get your stuff and to hang out with her more.

You chuckled, sitting on the couch next to your friend.

"Okay, so I walked into this restaurant. At first there seemed to be no one there, and the hostess said they were closed. But as I started walking out the door, I heard Bucky call my name, and it turns out he rented the whole restaurant for me!"

"Oh my god how romantic! He must be super rich, too!"

"Oh definitely," you giggled. You haven't felt this giddy about someone since college. And that was a time you'd long to forget.

Afterwards, the two of you were playing tennis at the park.

"You know I haven't played since high school, right?" You asked Wanda.

"Oh come on! I know you still  got it in you!" She responded as she served the ball and you hit with ease.

She gave you a knowing smirk,

"See?" She asked cheekily.

You shook your head with a chuckle,

"Alright, alright."

The two of you continued playing until it got dark.

"So, I'm making my famous spaghetti stars you love so much." Wanda said and you gasped in surprise and excitedness.

Ah yes, Wanda's spaghetti stars. Star shaped pasta in homemade tomato soup. Literally the best thing on this planet.

You eagerly started diving into the meal once it was served to you, and Wanda laughed at your actions.

She sat across from you at the glass dining room table.

"I'm so sad you're leaving tomorrow!!!" She groaned.

"Ugh, don't remind me. I still have to pack everything." You put your face in your hands.

"I'm gonna miss you, bestie. Please come visit soon."

"I'll try to make it for New Years. How's that sound?"

The brunette's face lit up, "Yes!"

Later at the hotel, you got a text from Bucky.

Bucky: I'm leaving for LA tomorrow, princess. Just wanted to let you know.

Y/n: I'm leaving tomorrow too. My week here is over unfortunately.

Bucky: We could give you a ride on the bus, and you can ride on our private jet 😏

Y/n: Oh, I don't know. I already have my ticket booked.

Bucky: I'll pay you however much the ticket is, baby. I just want you with me. Plus, do you really want to be crammed next to some guy who'll try to hit on you?

Y/n: oh is that what this is about? You're jealous?

Bucky: no, well maybe but I want you with me. And you can get to know the rest of the band

Y/n: Okay...fine. But you have to be here to pick me up at 9:00 am sharp or I'm leaving without you

Bucky: yes ma'am. Goodnight baby

Y/n: Goodnight Bucky

You sighed happily as you put your phone on the nightstand. How did you get this lucky?

The next morning, Wanda and you were standing outside of the hotel, waiting for your ride to show up. You had also just came back from returning the rental car and Wanda drove you back to your hotel to collect your stuff.

"I can't believe you're going on a private jet with Vibranium! Please ask Natasha if she's single." Wanda said.

"Oh my goodness. Okay, I will. Just for you."

"Yayyy." Wanda clapped happily and you chuckled.

You were glad to see her opening back up like this. Her breakup with Vision hit her pretty hard.

Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a horn honking. You turned to see THE Vibranium tour bus and fans went wild. So many people started freaking out and banging their fists on the windows.

"Holy shit. Maybe this wasn't a good idea..." you trailed off.

"Well, no turning back now. I'm going to live vicariously through you while reading Vibranium x reader fanfics on Wattpad."

"You're such a geek."

"And you love it!"

Bucky came out and people were screaming, girls straight up taking their shirts off and flashing him as he made his way to you.

He took your hand and kissed it.

"Well, I gotta go now, Wands. I'll miss you!" You cried as you hugged her tightly. Leaving her has always been hard.

She hugged you back even tighter.

"I'm gonna miss you too. Text me when you get there okay?" She asked as she pulled back.

"I will!" You shouted as Bucky pulled you towards the bus. Their assistant, a blonde woman, put your bags in the back while Bucky escorted you onto the bus.

Upon arriving inside, it was surprisingly clean and tidy, very chill atmosphere and very large.

Natasha was seated on top of the small kitchen counter, Sam was on the couch taking a nap and Steve was playing a game on his phone.

"Come on doll, let's go to the back." He whispered as his hand rested on your lower back right above your ass.

In the back was a nice big bed, and the two of you climbed in, and turned on a movie for the long ride.

They were going to a further away airport to avoid paparazzi and fans.

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