Chapter 14: Fireside feelings

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"You have everything packed?" Bucky asked you as the two of you loaded the camping supplies into your father's truck that he let you borrow. You bungeed the bigger supplies; The tent, lawn chairs, firewood to the truck bed. Climbing out, you closed the truck bed and sighed, with your hands on your hips as you admired your work.

"Yep, I think so. Come on, we got a beach to head to." you clapped him on the shoulder and gave him a peck on the lips before hopping in the driver's seat. Bucky quickly made his way over and opened the door.

"Nope, I'm driving. I know the location pretty well, we won't have to use GPS if I'm driving." he said and you sighed with a nod, laughing as he picked you up out of the driver's seat and straight up carried you to the passenger's side.

You climbed in, feeling giddy about the whole exchange and the adventure ahead. You've never been the camping type, often opting to rent a cabin when Kate would drag you to spend a weekend in Big Bear.

But the thought of a hot, passionate beach camping trip with Bucky had you eagerly packing the night before, ready to get inside a small tent with the rockstar.

As the two of you drove to wherever Bucky was taking you, Taylor Swift played softly in the background -as requested by you when Bucky asked what music you wanted- and you hummed along to the music.

Bucky couldn't help but glance at you every five seconds, he loves you so much. More than anything in this world. You're his forever.

You ended up dozing off, maybe from boredom of the long car ride, or the fact that you didn't get your cup of coffee this morning. You woke up when Bucky shook you awake.
Bucky smiled at you, "We're here, baby." he whispered, kissing you lovingly on the lips.

You sat up and looked around, noticing you are now on a beach. But oddly enough, it was empty. Despite the perfect weather that was great for a beach day, there were no other people.

"You did not." you gasped, realizing he had yet again, rented out another public space for just the two of you.

Your rockstar grinned, "I did." You gave a wide smile before hugging him, and kissing him passionately.

The two of you got out the truck and set up camp, including the fire wood and rocks, making a fire pit. You built the fire pit while Bucky set up the tent. However, he couldn't figure it out and frustratingly threw the pole down onto the sand. You chuckled and picked up. "Here, it's supposed to connect to the top pole." you explained.

You ended up doing all the work while Bucky watched, enjoying your shorts and bikini clad body.

Afterwards, the two of you shedded your clothes and ran into the ocean, playing and swimming along the waves. Bucky stood on the shore and picked you up, you wrapped your legs around his waist as he spun you around all while the two of you made out.

Later that night, you sat on the lawn chair next to Bucky, as you roasted your marshmallow in the fire.

You then made a smore and bit into it, letting out a satisfied moan. Bucky raised his eyebrows at you.

"What did I say about making noises like that?" he groaned. God it was sexy.
You stuck your tongue out at him and in return he kissed you, tackling you onto the warm sandy ground. He hovered over you and pushed a stray hair out of your face and smiled sweetly.

"I love you, Y/n." he whispered against your lips.

"I love you too, Bucky."

The End.

Thank you so much for reading! I really enjoyed writing this book, and I hope you enjoyed reading it!

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