Or do you wanna paint my body?

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At my apartment

We finally get the door open but open it slowly
"Isaac?" I see Isaac on the floor and I run to him "isaac! He's freezing dad, he's like ice" I say grabbing his hand he starts shaking and I look at my dad
"What's happening?"
"Isaac, come on. Isaac, listen. You have to turn. Look at me. You need to trigger it. Come on. Turn! Turn!" My dad says he punches him
"Turn!" He yells Isaac finally howls sitting up I sigh with relief looking at his as he grabs my hand
"Did you see them?" He asked
"There were five of them. They wore black. I couldn't... I couldn't see their faces. They were covered." He tells us
"What do you mean like masks?"
"One of them... I could see his eyes. They were greenish-yellow. Like a... Like a firefly." I look at my dad
"The security wasnt triggered"
"How did they get in?"
"They didn't it was like they came out of the shadows" he tells me grabbing my hand tighter
"Do you know what this means? Dad?"
"Um... I'm not sure. Listen, the two of you... I need you to keep this quiet for a few hours." I go behind Isaac helping him up
"From everyone?"
"Even Allison?" I asked
"Just 24 hours" I look at Isaac and we both shake our heads we all walk out of the room
"They could have killed him dad"
"But they didn't and I think there is a reason why... I think they are after me" I look at my dad shocked

At the station

Agent Mccall was asking Kira Stiles Lydia and Scott question about the incident
"So when did you get there?" He asked Stiles
"At the same time"
"At the same time as who?"
"Same time as me" Scott answers
"By coincidence?"
"What do you mean coincidence?" Stiles asked
"That's what I'm asking you the two of you got there at the same time was that a coincidence?"
"Are you asking me?" Scott asked
"I think he is asking me" Stiles tells him
"I think he is asking both of you" Lydia says
"Okay, let me answer the questions... Let me ask the questions. Just so I have this absolutely clear. Barrow was hiding in the chemistry closet at the school. Someone left him a coded message on the blackboard telling him to kill Kira. Then Barrow took Kira to a power substation and tied her up with the intent of electrocuting her, which blacked out the entire town." He says
"Sounds about right"
"How did you know He would take her to a power station?"
"Well because he a an electrical engineer, so where else would he take her?"
"That's one hell of a deduction there Stiles"
"Yeah. What can I say? I take it after my pops he in law enforcement" Stiles says winking at his dad. Noah laughed then look at Agent Mccall
"Stiles just uh... just answer the man"
"We made a good guess"
"What were you two doing?" He asked Scott and Kira
"Eating pizza" Scott says
"Eating sushi" Kira said at the same time they look at eachother
"Eating sushi"
"Eating Pizza" they sigh
"Eating Sushi and Pizza" they says at the same time
"You believe this?"
"To be honest, I haven't believed a word Stiles has said since he learned how to speak. But I think these kids found themselves in the right place at the right time and that girl sitting there is very lucky for it." Sheriff says
"Kira is that what you remember?" They all look at her
"Yes, can I get my phone back now?" She asked
"Sorry, but no. Kira, a deputy is going to take you home. But we'll need you to fill out some paperwork first" he tells them. They all walk out except for Scott
"Scott... I don't know why you guys are lying. Or why Stilinski is content to listen to this crap. But try and remember something. If half this story about Barrow is true, then not only did someone help set him loose, but he was a pawn in their little game. A mass murder is bad enough. A mass murder being controlled by someone? Far worse." He tells his son
"Yeah I get it" he tells his dad
"Alright now go home it's a school night."

At the school

Coach walks in the hallways with a megaphone yelling
"Class starts in 5 minutes. Just because there is no power don't expect there to be no school" Coach says I look at him holding my books next to Isaac as Stiles walks over
"That's a triple negative. Very impressive, Coach" Stiles says I laugh watching Coach walk passed
"Copy that" Stiles opens his locker and drops his keys I reach down to pick them up and we touch hands I pull away quickly
"Sorry..." he says looking at me "Where did you come from?" He asked holding a key up he looks up when he sees Scott walking towards Kira "No no no no stop." He tells him
"What I need to talk to her" he tells him
"No, you need to remember someone left a coded message telling Barrow to kill her" I look at Kira as she quickly walks away
"And that's why I need to talk to her"
"Scott, no way. Until we figure out if she's just another psychotic monster that's going to start murder everybody, I vote against any and all interaction." Stiles says
"What if she's like me?"
"That girl walked through 1.21 jigawatts of electricity. She's not like you." Stiles tells his bestfriend

Love Lose Grief Repeat 《Stiles Stilinski》//Complete Where stories live. Discover now