Grief Repeat

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Sheriff station

I Stiles Isaac Lydia and Scott were sitting on the bench outside of the sheriff's office. They all look at me, watching as a single tear rolls down my face.

Flashback that night, Camp Oak Creek

"Scott, look at me. Look at me!" Chris says to Scott, "Scott, look at me. You have to remember-- you called me first, okay? Say it. You called me first." Argent says to Scott Addison was still sitting next to her body
"I... I called you--" Scott says
"Not you. Say Mr. Argent, or her dad."
"I called her dad first..."
"What else? What happened?" Chris asked
"There were two of them... They tried to steal our car... They wore masks... One of them had a knife..."
"You think. Don't get specific, Scott-- you saw something sharp and metallic. You think it was a knife. What do you say next? If you get confused, what do you always repeat?"
"It happened so fast..."
"That's right. Say it again. Scott! Say it again." Argent tells him
"How are you doing this?" Scott asked
"It's what we do..." he looks at Addison as she cried over her sister."It's what we do." He says before walking to Addison.

"Addi." Addison looked at him
"I can't do it," she whispered.
"You have to. I know it hurts," Addisons dad says. "You know what to say?" Addison looked at him
"They tried to steal the car. I think one of them had a knife..." She looks down."It all happened so fast, " she  whisper, looking at her sister.
"I'll be there." Addison looks up. "I can't be in the room with you, but I'll be outside." Addison looks at her hands which were covered in her sisters blood

Sheriff station

I look at my hands, which still had Allison's blood on them
"Can you remember anything else... anything else?" Deputy Parrish asked me, "Addison?" I look up, tears running down my face
"I'm sorry... uh, it just it all happened so fast..." I say Noah walks in and looks at me.
"She's okay," Noah says. Parrish was about to say something. "She just lost her sister Parrish," he whispers before grabbing my shoulder and walking me out.

Yukimare house

"Here. It'll calm you." Mrs. Yukimare says handing Stiles a cup. Stiles looks away from me. I was sleeping on their couch
"What is it?" Stiles whispered
"What, like magic tea?"
"No... chamomile tea. Drink it." Mr. Yukimare says
"He's not safe here." Mr. Yukimare says, looking at me and Stiles
"He's not safe anywhere."
"But Allison killed one of them. Doesn't that mean something? She killed an Oni." I hear Kira say I open my eyes slightly
"Is that even possible?" Ken asked
"I'm not sure how..." Kira's mom says
"But she did it - she killed one of them."
"Yeah, and they killed her," I say sitting up they all look at me
"Allison's dead..." Stiles says."Now, I guess the only good thing is it looks like I'm dying, too." A tear rolls down my cheek
"He made a powerful move by splitting the two of you," Noshiko tells Stiles
"So what's our move?" I asked
"At this point, you need a divine move." Kira's dad says
"What's that?" Asked Stiles, who hands me his tea. I sit up, grabbing it, and then laying on his shoulder
"In the game of Go, it's what we call a truly inspired or out-of-the-box move. The Nogitsune had sent, the advantage, until this point. What you need is a divine move to turn the game around." Kiras Mom says
"Okay... So, is anyone feeling divinely inspired?" Stiles asked
"Mom, you said you trapped it in a glass jar, right?" Kira asked
"It wasn't the jar that trapped it - it was where I buried it."
"The Nemeton..." I whisper
"A place I don't know too much about." Kiras Mom says
"Who does?" Asked Kira
"Deaton. Deaton does, " Stiles says

Argent Apartment

"I appreciate the concern, but you don't have to stay... I'll be all right. I've dealt with this before. I have a capacity and... an ability to compartmentalize my emotions." Argent says to Isaac
"...I don't," Isaac says Argent turns around, hugging Isaac.

Love Lose Grief Repeat 《Stiles Stilinski》//Complete Where stories live. Discover now