How do you feel now?

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My apartment

Me, Isaac, Scott, Allison and my dad were in his office

"There was something almost ritualistic about it-- like it was looking right into his soul." My dad says
"That's the same thing it did to me"
"That's what they did to everyone" I say grabbing Isaac's hand
"Not everyone they only went after werewolves" Scott says looking at our hands
"And Lydia"
"Anyone with a connection with the supernatural" my dad tells us
"Then who was the guy they went after in Japan?"
"A Kumicho-- a Yakuza boss" my dad says
"It was my first gun deal. I was only eighteen, and it was supposed to be a simple exchange... Except Gerard left out the minor detail of the buyers being Yakuza. He wanted to see if I could adapt in the moment. Testing my ability to, uh... improvise."
"Or your ability to survive" I say
"The moment the sun came down, it was like they just materialized out of the shadows."
"They had swords-- not curved like katanas, but straight, black steel, like ninjatos."
"What did they want?" Isaac asked
"To get to the Kumicho. They cut down every living thing in their way."
"Did they mark him like they did us?" Isaac asked pulling me to sit down next to him
"Not exactly"
"What was he?" Scott asked
" I don't know. But, there might be someone who does. There were a few others who survived that night. One of them was a man named Katashi. They called him "Silverfinger" because of an unusual prosthetic... And it looked like he was getting ready to take them all on himself." My dad explains
"I've known for a while Katashi was in the country. I spent yesterday tracking him down."
"Didn't look like he wanted to be found." Isaac says
"Not particularly, no."
"You think he knows what they are? Or what they want?" Scott asked
"What if he doesn't want to talk?" I asked
"What if he doesn't even remember you?"
"He'll remember this." My dad says showing us a black mask that looked just like the ones on the black figures
"I know I didn't kill it-- I'm not sure you can. But, I slowed it down long enough for us to get out of there."
"What was behind the mask" we asked
"Darkness. Absolute Darkness" my dad tells us

At the school

Scott pulls up to the school on his bike the twins following behind him
"You guys going to be doing this all day?
"All day." Ethan says
"All night." Adian adds
"Is this about being in my pack?"
"This is about you being the target of demonic ninjas."
"You mean, the demonic ninjas that pulled swords out of their chests and completely kicked our asses?" Ethan asked
"Yeah! Those demonic ninjas."
"I don't need anyone to protect me." Scott says
"They were looking right at you when the sun came up." Says Ethan
"And they also disappeared. Argent thinks that they could just come out at night..." Scott tells them
"Since this is our first experience with demonic ninjas, we're thinking we should play it safe." Ethan tells Scott
"All day."
"...And all night." Scott sighs

"Okay, one thing first. I need to talk to Stiles and let him know everything that happened last night-- without you."
"No!" Adian yells
"Yes. And I don't eat you listening in no wolf hearings"
"How would you even know?" Adian asked
"I'm a true alpha you have no idea what I can do"

In the class room

So then, she starts talking about phosphors, and the key having chemicals on it, right? And so that made me think of the chemistry closet, and the fact that someone had to let Barrow in..." Stiles says anxiously he stops looking at the board "it's gone. Okay it doesn't matter because I've got the key.." he grabs his keys looking for the key to the closet "I had it-- I had it here. I had it here this morning, I swear to God, I had it this morning."
"The key you were talking about last night?"
"Yeah I showed it to you didn't I show it to you?"
"No you just told me about it. I never actually saw it..."
"I was here a couple hours ago. And the message left to Barrow spelling Kira's name was right there on the board in my handwriting, and I had the key to the chemistry closet." Stiles says
"So, you unlocked the chemistry closet so Barrow could hide in in from the cops, and then you wrote him a message to kill Kira...?"
"I know how it sounds... But look at this, This is the news report that came out about Barrow when they caught him, okay? About the shrapnel bomb that he used. See this? See what he did? He put nuts, bolts, and screws, and then he hid the bomb and the detonator in a box that he wrapped as a birthday present. What does that sound like to you?"
"Coach... the joke we played on coach" Scott says
"That was my idea. You remember? That was my idea. That's no coincidence. It can't be."
"I don't want to sound like I'm trying to tell you that you're wrong... But I don't think you're trying to kill people, either."
"It was here. It was all here."
"Dude, are you feeling okay? You're looking really tired..."
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just haven't been sleeping, really..."
"Why don't you go home? Take a sick day, or something?"

Love Lose Grief Repeat 《Stiles Stilinski》//Complete Where stories live. Discover now