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Argent and Derek were getting let out of the sheriff station

"Sorry, but I can't let you walk out with this. It's way above the legal voltage limit." Parrish says holding up Argents electrical rode
"I only use it for hunting..." Derek gives Argent a hilariously exasperated look at this comment, and Argent can't help but roll his eyes in response. Parrish does not seem to be persuaded by his argument either.
"Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure you could use it to jump-start a 747..." Parrish says
"This property belongs to me, and the charges were dropped. Although, I'm not exactly sure who's responsible for that."
"I am." Noah says walking out of his office "I'll take care of this, Parrish."
"Stilinski, I'm not kidding-- this thing's a few watts from being a lightsaber." Parrish says holding up the rode
"I said I'll take care of it." Parrish walked away and derek and Argent walk into Noahs office "The specialist I saw in LA told me the thing that every doctor says when he's trying to avoid a lawsuit-- "We can't say for sure." And then, I spoke with Melissa." Noah tells them "These are brain scans-- my wife's, and Stiles'. I knew they were similar, but those are the same. Exactly the same."
"And I'm guessing this isn't possible?c Derek says looking at the brain scans
"Not even remotely."
"So, the trickster is still playing tricks."
"But why this trick?" Asked Derek
"When I was in the Army, an officer told me, If you want to defeat your enemy, you don't take away their courage-- you take away their hope."
"You don't look like a man who gives up hope easily." Argent says
"But Stiles might. If this thing inside him... if it's using his mother's disease as some sort of psychological trick, then this isn't just a fight for his body. It's also a fight for his mind. Right?"
"You know, he's left people severely injured." Argent tells Noah
"...And others severely dead." Derek adds
"That's why I need the two of you. I need people who are experienced in this kind of thing. I need you to help me stop him." Noah tells them
"And by stop him, you mean trap him" Argent says.

Argent Apartment

"This is everything non-lethal I could find..." I say putting all the non lethal weapons infront of the adults
"Take all of it." My dad tells us
"What's the plan, here?" Asked Noah who look at the weapon
"Our best shot right now is for Derek to try to pick up Stiles' scent at Eichen House-- especially if he went through something stressful there." My dad explains
"Should all five of us be going to the same place?" Noah asked
"Where else has Stiles been showing up?" My dad asked
"School... the hospital..." Allison tells him I look down at me hands and Derek walks behind ne
"Okay, hold on-- we did this already. He disappeared, we started looking for him... then walked right into a trap at the hospital." Derek said
"...He's getting us to repeat the same moves."
"So, what do we do? Wait for him to come to us?" Allison asked
"We can't. Not if the Oni find him when the sun goes down."
"Scott's working on that right now with Kira." Noah said
"That's the problem-- we're all trying to outfox the Fox." I say looking up
"Listen... I'll understand if anyone wants to back out." Noah says
"I won't be the first Wolf to run from a Fox." Derek says
"Apparently, I'm carrying a lightsaber..." they all look at me I sigh
"For Stiles?" I say they smile
"For stiles" they answer after me
"Dad, you Allison and Derek hit Eichen House. Sheriff, it's you and me in the hospital. We all meet in the school." I say Me and the sheriff walk out of the room Allison grabs he weapons and goes to grab the keys. Dad grabs his gun out of his pocket ad loads it
"...Making sure you have a few lethal options, just in case?" Derek asked
"I like to prepare for the worst." My dad says before walking away.

The Hospital

Me and Noah were standing in the elevatori look down playing with my fingers when Noah sighs "You know what? I don't know how you guys do it. You're all so strong. You're fearless. Hell, you even manage to keep your grades up..."
"I am... failing Econ..." I say
"Is that Coach's class?" Noah asked I shake my head looking down "Well, I'll have a talk with him." He looks at me as I let out a smile cry "Hey, you okay?" He asked rubbing my back
"I'm not... fearless... I'm terri-terrified. I'm always terrified. I... I act like I know what I'm doing, but I don't. I don't know if Isaac is dying right now... I don't know if I made a mistake with Stiles... I don't know what my dad is thinking... I don't know if we should trust Derek... I don't know...I don't know anything..." I say falling into noahs arms he hugs me tightly
"You know what's funny? You sound just like a cop. Hey... You're gonna be okay." He says sqeezing tighter
"Okay." I whisper Noah's phone goes off "What's that?" I asked he grabs his phone
"Someone's breaking into my house... After Stiles started sleepwalking, I had some safety precautions put in-- motion sensors, cameras..." he goes through the links and I see one that says Stiles
"Is that his room?" He clicks the link and it shows a video of Void sitting on Stiles' bed he looks at the Camera and waves.

Stilinski House

Noah pulls up to the house and I run out of the car towards stiles' room.

"Addison wait!" Noah yells as I run into the house. I ran upstairs Noah following slowly behind we both turn in the door way and stiles was gone. But my dad Allison and Derek were standing there they looked at us confused as I look down disippointed

"What is all this? What are these sticky notes for?" My dad asked making me look up
"This is what Stiles used to try and explain to me about... all of you." Noah says
"Well, maybe it's a message from Stiles-- the real Stiles." Allison says looking at me as I walk around his room. I look at his night stand and see a photo of us sitting there I smile
"Do you think there's any reason my name's on the king?" Derek asked I pick up the picture then turn around looking at the chess board
"Well, you're heavily guarded..." Stilinski says
"Though, I guess the alarming detail is that you're one move from being in checkmate." I say making them all look at me
"It's not a message from Stiles-- it's a threat from the Nogitsune." My dad says
"He's at the loft. That's what he's trying to tell us. And he wants us to come there." Allison says Noah walks behind me looking at the photo "Night's falling..." Derek says
"This couldn't sound any more like a trap."
" I don't think it is..." I turn to look at Noah
"I think your opinion might be slightly biased, Sheriff..." my dad says
"Hear me out! What we're dealing with here is basically someone who lacks motive-- no rhyme or reason, right?"
"Meaning what?"
"Our enemy is not a killer... It's a trickster. The killing is just a by-product."
"If you're trying to say it won't kill us, I'm not feeling too confident about that..."
"He won't kill me" I say confidently they all look at me "It won't. It wants irony. It wants to play a trick-- it wants a joke. All we need to do is come up with a new punchline." I say
"The sun is setting, Sheriff... What do you have in mind?" We all look at Noah as he looks down at the photo in my hand.

Derek's loft

Noah walks into Derek's loft with his hands cuffs in hand.

"Hi dad" I hear Stiles say. "You want to handcuff me?" Stiles asked
"If my son is still here-- if there's a part of him standing here in front of me-- then he'll put these on willingly and he'll come with me. Because he knows I'm here to protect him, from himself and from others." Stiles puts out his hands and Noah puts the handcuffs on him. Stiles looks up with an evil glare "..You're not my son." I walk out with Derek Allison and my dad, derek runs up to stiles but he pulls his arm back braking it and throwing him across the room allison pulls our the tazer and ahoots it at him but he catches it and brakes it. My dad looks at me then he pulls his gun out making me stop in my tracks
"Argent, listen to me! Don't do this!" Noah says
"Why not? I've done it before... Werewolves, Berserkers... I can easily add a Nogitsune to the list." I look at my dad shocked
"You're not going to shoot my son!" Sheriff Yelled
"You said it yourself, Sheriff-- that's not your son."
"Put it down! Put it down!" Noah says "Dad, he's going to shoot me. He's going to kill me, Dad." I look at Stiles then at my dad "Addison you not going to let him kill me are you?" I look at him with tears in my eyes then look back at my dad "You can't let him shoot me you love me, you love me and I love you" I feel tears rolling down my eyes
"Don't listen." My dad says
"Put it down! Now! Do it! Put it down!" Stilinski says
"Pull the trigger! Come on!" Stiles says
"Dad" I yell
"Listen to me-- you put the gun down now!" Noah says
"Shoot me!" Stiles yells
"Put the gun down, now!"
"Dad..." Allison says
"Shoot me!"
"Put the gun down!"
"Argent, you put it down!"
"Strife.." I say Allison and Derek walk up to me
"Put it down! Put it down!"
"Stop! Stop it!" I yell "This is what he wants! This is exactly what he wants!" I tell them
"Not exactly... I was kind of hoping Scott would be here. But, I'm glad you all have your guns out... Because you aren't here to kill me-- you're here to protect me." Stiles says backing into the middle of our group. The Oni's come out going after Stiles we all pull out our weapons and start to shoot at them.

I fly backwards as the Oni's disappear. And Scott runs in watching as everyone runs to me "You alright?" Derek asked. I grab his arm and stand up
"I'm fine" I look at Scott who was still standing there
"What happened?" Scott asked
"The disappeared... they just vanished" Allison says
"Yeah and so did Stiles" I say disippointed.


This is a short one only because I didn't feel like writing the oak creek part. I hope you like It.

Love Lose Grief Repeat 《Stiles Stilinski》//Complete Where stories live. Discover now