Love Lose

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High School

"Hold still. Don't fight it." Deaton says holding Aiden under the water "Hold still! Almost there..." Deaton takes the fly that was in Aidens mouth and washes it down the drain
"Isaac, you're next." Isaac flashes his eyes "I'm aware, all right? Don't fight it. Don't fight. Isaac, stay still!" Deaton takes the fly and throws it down the drain as well "Got it."
"Are they okay now?" Allison asked
"I hope so. The part that's worrisome is that this was most likely just a distraction for what was happening to Stiles."
"There's really two of them now? How's that even possible?"
"But how did the other one just take Lydia?"
"We turned around and they were gone. So was her car." Deaton says
"So, no one notices him just kidnapping her right out of the house?" Aiden asked with a little bit of aditude
"Most of us were concentrated on the bizarre sight of a creature materializing from out of the floor." Deaton says
"And Addison?" Allison says they all look at her then at deaton worried
"She alright she's a little shaken up but I think she'll manage" Deaton tells them making the sigh with relief
"Hold on-- how are you so sure which Stiles is which?" Kira asked
"That's what they're trying to figure out now."

McCall House

I was sitting in the chair next to Scott's bed sleeping while Melissa was running test on Stiles

"Well... Medically, you seem okay. You're definitely a real person..." Melissa whispers to stiles
"Okay, so I'm real-- but am I the real me?" Stiles asked Scott walks in the room and stiles sits up watching as Scott walks over to me putting his hand on my shoulder I jump up making them all look at me. When I realized where I was I sigh with relief.
"Is she here?" Stiles asked
"Okay, let's do this." Stiles says whiles standing up. I shake my head no and stiles looks at me "Addi we have to do this." He tells me. I walk over grabbing him

"Do you recognize me?" Kiras Mom asked as we walked down the stairs.
"Stop!" Kira yells running into the house
"It's okay. I'm the one who asked her to come." Kira says
"You're the one who's going to get stabbed with swords. Mom, don't do this to him." Kira says
"It's already done." The onis show up making Stiles let go of me handing me to Scott I watch as Stiles falls to the floor and I run to him
"Look behind his ear." Kiras Mom says I look and see the same backwards 5 behind his ear
"It worked." I say
"So, I'm actually me?" stiles asked
"More you than the Nogitsune."
"Can the Oni find him?"
"Tomorrow night. It's too close to dawn now." Noshiko says
"Can they kill him?" Stiles asked as we stand up together
"Depends on how strong he is."
"What about Lydia? Why would he take her?" I asked
"He would only take her for an advantage."
"You mean her power?" Scott asked
"The power of a Banshee"

Camp oak creek.

"Can you hear them? Louder than usual, isn't it? Well, that's because a lot of bad things happened down here. What are the voices telling you? Are they saying that Stiles is dying?" Void asked walking towards Lydia who was running away "He is, you know... He's dying."
"Then what do you need me for? You think I can tell you something?" Lydia asked
"Oh, I know you can." Void laughs
"I'm not telling you anything!" Lydia says turning around
"You won't have to-- you'll be screaming." He says in her ear

Yukimare house

"How are they going to find him? And what are we supposed to do until then? Sit around and wait?" Kira asked her mom
"Sit and learn."
"You want to teach me to play a board game? Now?"
"Scott said he saw Stiles and the Nogitsune playing the game of Go. That's a very important detail, perhaps even crucial. Play starts with an empty board. Black is always placed first, then white. You place stones to create territories, and you capture your opponents stones by completely surrounding them." Noshiko says placing the chips on the board
"This is life and death, Mom! It isn't a game!" Kira yells
"It is to him! And he's winning. You want to save your friends? You want them to survive? Learn to play."

Love Lose Grief Repeat 《Stiles Stilinski》//Complete Where stories live. Discover now