Where the Hell is Stiles

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McCall House

Scott was sleeping in his room when his phone goes off

"Hey man, what's up? Stiles? Stiles? You there?" Scott asked
"Scott? Hey, I'm here..."
"Are you okay? Can you hear me?" Scott asked
"Scott, I don't know where I am... I don't know how I got here... I think I was sleepwalking..."
"Okay, um, can you see anything? Just tell me what you see?"
"Uh, it's dark. It's hard to see. I think there's something wrong with my--" stiles says but the phone hangs up scott takes his phone and calls him again "Hey--" Stiles' voice-mail says
"Stiles?" Scott says
"This is Stiles and you missed me. Leave a message." The voice-mail says
"Come on..." Scott says typing in Stiles number but it goes to voice-mail again
"Hey, this is St--"
"God, come on, come on... Stiles?"
"Scott, I don't think I can get out of here. I can't move."
"Where are you?"
"I don't know. I don't know. It's too dark. I can't see much, and something's wrong with my leg. It's stuck on something, and it's... I think it's bleeding..."
"How bad? Stiles, how bad is it? Stiles, are you there? Can you hear me?"
"Ah, there's some kind of smell down here. Something smells terrible. It's brutal. My eyes are watering." Stiles crys
"Okay, listen. I'm calling your dad--"
"No, no, no, no, don't--"
"But your dad--"
"Don't. Just please, don't call him. Promise you won't. He already worries about me too much. Scott, please--"
"But what if I can't find you? Stiles, I can't make a promise like that--"
"No, no, no, just please... Please, don't call him. Come find me. You can do it. He doesn't have to know. Scott, you can find me."
"I don't know if I can do this..." Scott says
"Oh, I gotta call you back. I have to turn the phone off."
"What? No, hey, wait--"
"I'm gonna call you back--"
"Hold on, Stiles, wait! Hold on, man--"

"Isaac! Isaac, get up! I need your help! Isaac!" Scott yells
"What? What's wrong?" Isaac asked barging into Scott's room half asleep
"It's Stiles. Get dressed." Scott says throwing a helmet at him
"What's wrong with Stiles?"
"...I don't know."

At the school

Lydia and Aiden were are the school

"I said hold still.
"Are we even allowed to be here this late? What if security catches us?" Aiden asked sitting on a stool infront of Lydia who was painting him
"There is no security! The number of homicides in this school has seen to it that no sane person will ever take a night job here again."
"So, we're all alone...?" He asked
"You're losing the pose again."
"You know, when you said you wanted me to model for you, this wasn't what I thought you had in mind..."
"Oh, really? If you're thinking nude modeling, it's usually done without the pants" Aiden takes his pants off and throws them at lydia" she smiles a little but it fade as she starts to hear something "...You hear that?"
"Hear what?" Aiden asked
"You don't hear that?"
"I hear music-- what do you hear?"
"Voices. It's gone..."

McCall House

"Hey, Stiles--"
"Did you call him? Did you call my dad?" Stiles asked
"No, just Isaac. We're coming to find you. Can you figure out where you are? Try to find something and tell us where to look."
"It's a basement... I think-I think I'm in some kind of basement..."
"In a house?" Scott asked
"No, it looks bigger-- like, industrial. I think there's a furnace. But it's cold. It's freezing down here. I gotta turn the-I gotta turn the phone off, Scott. It's going to die."
"Wait, wait, wait! What else is there? What do you see?"
"The phone's dying. I can't talk. I have to go. Please..." Stiles whispered
"Stiles... Why are you whispering?"
"Because I think there's someone in here with me..." Stiles whispered

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