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Eichen House

"Why that kanji? Why self?" Void asked Kira mom
"To signify that he died as himself. Because Rhys wasn't a monster-- not like you." Noshiko says
"If I'm such a monster, why'd you call off the Oni? What happened to the woman who called out for chaos, strife, and pain to descend upon everyone and everything? What happened?"
"I don't want that anymore."
"I do. Did you bring this here, thinking you could hide it for me? Bad idea..." Void says grabbing the tail and stabbing himself with it
"What have you done???" Noshiko says
"Chaos is come again." Void says before falling to the floor.


One of the flies from the swarm that came out of Void Stiles' body has made it all the way to the hospital, where it buzzes around the hallways. It passes several visitors, doctors, and nurses until it comes upon Melissa, who has just exited a hospital room and is depositing the patient's chart in the file holder outside the door. which is labeled, "LAHEY, ISAAC, #556599," as the fly lands on the folder, waiting until Melissa moves onto the next room in her rounds before flying into Isaac's room. He's laying silently with his eyes closed on the bed, and the fly works its way into the small IV catheter inserted into the antecubital space of his right arm before inhabiting Isaac's body. Isaac's eyes open with a gasp, his irises glowing bright gold as he is affected by the Nogitsune's influence.

McCall House

"Thanks for letting me stay... I just didn't want to go home yet. I feel like I don't even know them anymore." Kira says to Scott
"I can loan you a tshirt, if you want..." Scott says
"I'm okay."
"Take the bed. I'll sleep in the chair." Kira lays in the bed and rolls over to look at Scott who opens his eyes to look at her "You okay?" She shakes her head and he closes his eyes again
"Scott?" Kira says
"Hmm?" Scott asked sleepily
"I don't want you to sleep in the chair." Kira says
"I've woken up plenty of times in this thing, it's okay." Scott says
"Please don't sleep in the chair..." Kira says Scott stands up and lays next to Kira "We're going to save him. We'll figure it out." Kira whispers Scott smiles closing his eyes.

Argent Apartment

Me Allison and our dad walks in the apartment and my dad drops his gun onto his desk.

"Dad?" Allison says
"Were you really gonna pull the trigger on Stiles?" I look at my dad
"To be honest... I'm not sure." My dad days
"I'd check the firing pin..." I say with a smile on my face he grabs his gun
"You removed it?" My dad days
"Mmm." Allison says with a smile
"That's why the women are the leaders in our family. Get some sleep, Girls" my dad days kissing our four heads

My room

I walk into my room and see Isaac sitting on my bed

"What are you doing here?" I asked Isaac standing front of him
"I thought I'd come see you." Isaac says
"You didn't just walk out of the hospital, did you?"
"It's okay. I feel a lot better." Isaac says I grab his face "All healed." He says
"Giving you the alarm code was a bad idea..." I whisper
"Maybe..." Isaac says grabbing my face lightly and kissing me.


"What are you doing? And, more importantly, why aren't you healing?" Peter asked Derek who was looking at the cut on his shoulder
"It's from one of their swords. It'll heal." Derek says he starts to set up a chess board
"By playing chess?"
"Back in his room, Stiles had a board with my name on one of the pieces. If this is a game to him, then I need to figure out the plays."
"Not so easy to do when it's a game without rules..." Peter says
"What does that mean?"
"You're dealing with the kind of spirit that's lived too long to play by human rules. It's a fox spirit that chose to become human-- and supposedly, that's something they can do only after about one hundred years. If a Kitsune is an annoying pain-in-the-ass, then a Nogitsune, which is a dark Kitsune, is a freaking disaster." Peter explains "Besides, chess is Stiles' game. It's not the game of a Japanese Fox. Do yourself a favor and put something on that... before it gets infected." Peter says point the cut on Derek shoulder again.

Love Lose Grief Repeat 《Stiles Stilinski》//Complete Where stories live. Discover now