Chapter 8: Covid Scare

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As it the sun rises for a new day, I decided to go visit my mom Audrey at the hospital while I got cash in my first check. Yep I finnaly got paid for the first time. I earned about $359, it's not much since I'm at minimum wage but Diane was think of giving me a raise already. I took the bus to the bank first to cash in my check into my new checking account.

Rox decided that it was best for me to have a banking account since it's a good idea not to have a huge wad of cash in your wallet since someone might mug me for it. So yesterday, he took me to the bank and we got a checking account for me to start with and it's kinda cool to have a debit card.

After I put my paycheck into my account, I headed to the hospital to go visit my mom for the day and see how she's doing. I went to the elevator and headed to the her room, but something is wrong. She wasn't there. I felt my heart rate beating and was afraid that something happened to her. I went to an anthro nurse and asked where Audrey is.



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"Excuse me, where did my mom go?" I asked with worry.

The nurse lost her smile since she knew that she has to tell the bad news to me.

"Sweetie, um.... She was transferred to the MICU wing since her Covid symptoms are kinda life threatening." She explains.

"What?!" I shouted with concern.

I started running to the elevator and headed to the MICU wing as fast as possible and looked room to room of where she is. Just then, I finnaly found her in room 24. She was attached to many machines and she was on life support.

   I couldn't take the horrific view of seeing my mom like this. It was too much for me. I started crying my eyes until a few nurses escorted me out of the room. I broke down mentally while the nurses tried to calm me down. I'm scared of losing my mother by Covid and she could die today or tomorrow and I won't be able to take it if she did.

Later during the day, I was sitting on the bench at the hospital courtyard to pull myself together, but it's not as worse as I heard Wolf and his friends coming. I was really not in the fucking mood to deal with them.

"Hey Stan! Did your mother die today?!" Wolf asked as him in his friends started laughing out loud.

I got off the bench and tried to blow them off until Druce grabbed hold of my arm and made me sit back down on the bench.

"Don't fucking ignore us, we're talking to you fuckface." Druce says as he let's go of my arm.

"I'm no mood to deal with you dickheads. So piss off!" I said as I was about to walk away.

Then, Wolf pushed me onto the rough pavement that I felt a painful scrape on my forearm. I heard them laugh at me and I tried to get up, but Druce kicked me on the side hard to make me stay down.

"Stay down! You can't even fight us. Not even for your mother's honor." Jack says with malice.

"Shut up." I shouted.

"What did you say, you little shit?" Jack asked as he pulled me up by my shirt.

"I said shut up, you fucking bitch." I answered him and then punched him hard in the snout.

Jack dropped me and fell backwards into the fountain. I got up fast and kicked Druce in the groin and bash his face into the concrete pillar. Wolf then tackled me to the ground and got on top of me and started throwing punches at me. I blocked most of them and I punched him hard back.

He was knocked back and I got up and punched him again until he kicked me away hard and I fell on my back and the wind was knocked out of me. Wolf then wiped the blood off his snout and went at me. I tried to fight back but Wolf gave me a chokehold around my throat and tried to strangle me.

Unexpectedly, Diane then came and grabbed wolf by the ear and tased him hard in the side. Wolf screamed in agony and fell on the side. Druce and Jack ran off, while Wolf tried to catch up with them. I was able to catch my breath while Diane helped me stand up to catch my breath.

"Are you okay?" Diane asked as she made me sit on her lap while she checked my injuries.

"I'm okay." I said as I looked down.

"No you not. You just got into a fight with those pricks." Diane says as she wipes the blood of my nose.

"And my mom could die later." I said with anger.

"What..."Diane asked with concern.

"Yeah. She was transferred to the MICU and I'm... scared of losing her... and those pricks... laughed about it." I said as I dropped some tears.

I started crying and Diane then hugged me as I rest my head on her breasts letting all out the water works and the pain that I was holding inside for too long.

"How about you can hang at the restaurant today? Even though you're off today, you can hang out in the crew room and I'll give you a free meal. Will that make feel better Stan?" Diane asked as she rubbed my hair.

"Yes, that will be fine." I quietly says as I hugged her tightly.

Diane then carried me to her car and we headed to the restaurant. Even though it was my day off, they let me relax in the crew room as Loona and Krystal treated my injures with a first aid kit from the office. While Renamon kinda made me a Double Quarter pounder meal for me with large fries and a large coke. I was confused why they were too nice for me at first, but they were nice friends to have.

I just hope my mom Audrey will recover in full health.

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