Volume 2: Moving on

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   After the horrible incident that I almost killed my rivals and no longer talking to Fox and Falco for their betrayal

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   After the horrible incident that I almost killed my rivals and no longer talking to Fox and Falco for their betrayal. I tried to move on from it.

I hated for what Stella did. Trying to manipulate me for her own entertainment just because she was mad over a McRib. Which is really pathetic.

We never seen her for a while since she was officially banned from our restaurant by Diane and the girls, especially Nika wanted to beat the shit out of her for me.

My mother was still sick by Covid in the hospital for almost a month now, however, she is improving that she is moved from the MICU wing back to the quarantine area for her to recover as normal.

It's not the same when she is not home, but the girls told me I have to not think about the negativity future and think positive about it of hoping to be fully recovered.

After Jack died, Druce and Wolf were pissed about it that they wanted to get back at me later, but they continued working at The Cheesecake Factory as normal, but I'm not allowed to go in that restaurant again. As for Fox and Falco, I don't give a shit about them anymore.

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