10: The Start Of The End

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This is like a scene out of a horror movie, just watching the ship descend sends shivers down my spine.

Even though it's still pretty far away it'll probably be enough to cause some panic and maybe some damage if they choose to attack.

"Jordan let's go back and warn the others," I say but he continues to stare at the ship.

"Jordan come on!" I yell and he turns his head slightly.

"Can you feel it? Someone up there is clearly looking at us" he says and I look up as well.

Trying to see what he's looking at or what he means but I just don't see it.

Focusing my eyesight even more I finally see what he means. As if the ship itself wasn't enough to make me uneasy.

"They know the witches are here, alright let's go," he says before breaking out of his trance.

Cautiously getting off the roof we head down to the main hall to warn everyone.

Looking at everyone it's clear that they don't know that the Voyers have reached cloud level.

"I don't want to cause a panic, I'll find Nick and the others and you go look for Ohera and the rest, we'll meet at the war room," he says before walking off.

Don't cause panic. I guess it'll be easier if I just gather the leaders so people don't get suspicious of groups leaving.

Walking around I immediately spot Mariam and Aurora helping some of the elderly.

"Mariam, Aurora can you come here for a second," I say getting their attention.

Once we're further away from everyone I say, "only the leaders are meeting in the war room, I'll find Ohera and meet you guys there"

After they leave I continue to look around in search of Ohera and the leader guard of Cypher but none of them are around.

Maybe they're helping out with supplies, we have a storage unit down the hall.

Putting my hand on the door handle I watch as it moves open and I jump out of the way as the guard swings it open.

Peaking his head through the boxes he's carrying he says, "oh sorry about that, can't really see with this, I was just going to deliver these to the elders and the children"

"Oh it's no problem, I was just looking for you to tell you that we're having a meeting in the war room so when you're done with that be sure to head over," I say and we part ways.

Now, where can she be? Maybe her office, it's where she would be if she needed to think alone.

Walking up I knock on the door, if she is in there she knows I'm coming in.

Opening the door slowly I call her name.

Seeing her staring at a photo she says, "am I doing a good job?"

"I'm sorry?" I say confused about the situation.

"About being a general, leading these people, I feel like I'm letting them down with every decision I make, I'm nowhere near the leader you were," she says in defeat.

Leaning against the desk I look at the photo she has in hand. It's me, Aurora, and her.

"We are two different people, especially from this photo, in fact, after I came back I felt like I haven't stepped up to be the leader I used to be," I say and she puts the photo down.

"I don't think you're doing a bad job, I doubt anyone here thinks that, you have to stop tearing yourself down, you have your own ways of dealing with problems and you got us this far, what's a few more" I encourage and she lifts her head.

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