Chapter 4: Power Struggles

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Scaramouche may hate how uncomfortable you made him but loves how uncomfortable he can make you. Besides an annoying morning he takes you to join him for a debt collection in Liyue and it's there you make a interesting discovery.


A bird chirping caused you to wake up and besides your pounding headache at the moment you slept well. You arm was over your forehead and the wet towel you received from Childe was no where to be seen. The last thing you remember was Childe helping you into bed to rest before you knocked out. Looking at the roof of the large tent you smiled at the thought of the man's kindness even though he owed you nothing, well until a groan and movement of the cot caused you to stiffen. Smile dropping while slowly turning your head to look in the direction of whoever was sharing the bed with you your breathe hitched. Still fast asleep Scaramouche had turned over in his sleep and was facing you. You noticed he was shirtless and prayed he had shorts on or other wise you would kick his man parts so hard he would wish he killed you sooner. From what you could see his chest was slightly defined and he had a scar on his upper chest.

"What the fuck...." you mouthed and blinked in bewilderment. When did this fucker come into bed with you? "He wasn't even here last night." You whispered to yourself

Besides the shock you couldn't help but stare at him, he looked so peaceful. Lips slightly parted he let out soft breaths and his chest rising and falling with each one. His hair was messy and he laid with one hand on and the other under the pillow. Who knew that Scaramouche could actually look so kind naturally, he almost looked hauntingly beautiful.

A slight flush rose to your cheeks as you swallowed whatever was in your now dry mouth. You had found him attractive from when you had met him but that quickly fell out when you met his true self with the shop owner. But now you hated yourself for finding his sleeping form so..... cute.

Wanting to smack your forehead you snapped your eyes back to the roof of the tent. As much as you wanted to jump out of the blankets you also didn't want to wake the Harbinger up. It was nice to have him not bitching or insulting you every second he opened his mouth. At the moment it was only his soft breaths that left his lips.

You couldn't help but smile at the thought of the blackmail you could pull if you had a kamera to capture this moment. Knowing him he would consider sleep a moment of weakness, "Oh well," you thought "I can capture the moment in my head to piss him off later."

You turned your head back to look at him in his somewhat cute sleep but Instead met his stern face. His grey tired eyes boring into yours as he spoke "The fuck are you smiling like that for?"

"AHH!" You squeaked and jumped away from him landing on your ass onto the floor grabbing a pillow trying to save yourself. Scaramouche couldn't help but laugh as he propped up to rest his head on his hand while still laying in bed. He couldn't see you as you were still on the floor.

"Don't do that!" You shouted and swang your pillow over the bed to hit him unexpectedly on the head. "OMF-" he made a hilarious muffled sound on contact. Why couldn't you catch him off guard with the book like that yesterday? Most likely because he just woke up.

You launched your arm back to swing again but he easily snatched the pillow from you and slammed it back onto the cot. "STOP THAT BRAT!"

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