Chapter 11: Perhaps If...

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Scaramouche is having personal frustrations while leaving you at camp under the watch of his men.

You also receive a visitor who tells you something he probably shouldn't have


Sounds of birds chirping had caused your eyes to snap open. The tent was filled with natural light from the sun outside and a breeze wafted in through the flaps of the tent entrance. Rubbing your eyes you rose from the cot and turned slowly to look at Scaramouche. However he wasn't there, a imprint of where he once laid remained, you placed your hand over the spot. It was slightly warm so he must have left some time ago not too long though.

You didn't exactly want to get up from the cot, you had the whole thing to yourself for goodness sake. The yawn that was leaving your mouth was interrupted when you spotted something sticking out from under your pillow. Grabbing it you let your sleepy eyes focus on the words:

"By the time you read this I will already be gone. Business calls and I wasn't in the mood to be distracted with you and your childish antics. Breakfast is on the table because I know you can't help but stuff your face. You're welcome

Until my return you will stay within the camp. My Skirmishers have been informed about your situation with me so worry not. That does not mean you can try to fool them, force was recommended to bring you back if necessary. Remember who I may hurt if you disobey me. Try anything and I will not hesitate.

See you soon-Scaramouche"

Although he had insulted you and threatened Su it was nice that Scaramouche thought of you. Leaving you something to eat wasn't something you thought he would do. The breakfast on the table caught your attention next. There was some fruits,a fried egg, and some rough looking pancakes. Had Scaramouche made this breakfast himself for you? Or tried at least? It was a weird way

Right as you moved off the cot to sit at the table to eat a conversation in the distance caught your attention. It was coming closer and closer, eyes narrowing you recognized the owner of the voice the moment they crashed through the flaps of the tent's entrance.

"Comrade! I heard you were here, oh how I've missed you-! OH SHIT!" Childe shouted and dodged the quickly incoming thrown book at him. The very same one Scaramouche had hit you with.

"You asshole! You left me alone at dinner with him! Get out!" You fumed and threw another book which Childe had enough time to react to, catching it with ease and simply throwing it back to you. Catching it less gracefully than the Harbinger across the tent from you. Brows furrowed in annoyance you pointed it at him and Childe held his hands up in a fake surrender "Now now girlie relax! Let me explain myself! Besides from what Scara had told me things went well because I wasn't there!" He winked and shot a finger gun at you. That didn't stop the book from being thrown back at him

After a few moments of anger you calmed down and sat back down at the table that held your breakfast. Letting out a sigh you opened an eye to peak at Childe who held a shit eating grin and sprawled over the large cot. His long body didn't help him as his legs were hanging over the edge, his back awkwardly sinking into it. "These things are the worst, I have no idea how you two sleep on them. Anyway are you calm enough to talk now?"

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