Chapter 5: Slight Appreciation And Kindness

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Scaramouche was sure you would accept his offer, he just had to be patient. You on the other hand doubted it. You also happen to run into a certain someone that confirms Scaramouche's possessiveness over you


Despite the whole situation that went down not that long ago the rest of the debt collections went smoothly. Traveling to each one resulted with you walking behind him, he hated that. Scaramouche constantly kept having to check on you by looking over his shoulder. Eventually this grew old and tiresome so he turned around and once again snatched your bruised wrist. "Stop grabbing that same freaking wrist over and over again. The bruises will never heal!" You snapped and he quickly snapped back at you "Well stop fucking walking behind me brat!" You narrowed your eyes at him "Archon knows what you're planning to do. Probably gonna run off and shit." He mumbled and used your wrist to lead you in front of him, a tad bit more gently than usual for your request. Of course Scaramouche wanted his markings to stay on you as a constant reminder for you to remember who was in charge, but he was sure there would be plenty of burn marks from his shocks later on anyway. A delicious thought really, he may have even tried to do so earlier.

Upon the last debt collection as usual you would stay as far away as Scaramouche would let you, which was not too far. So unfortunately you would have to hear most if not all of the collections, at least he didn't force you to watch all of them. You were also ninety percent sure no one else had their life taken as well. When Scaramouche had walked around the corner finished he sent you a look which you understood as a "Let's go"

Catching up to him you stopped a few steps behind him which you saw him tense at. Obviously pissed you were trying to walk behind him once more, so being nice you quickened your pace to walk next to him. His grey eyes side eyed you once more "Glad to see you're starting to listen brat." You hated that he called you "Brat" more than your actual fucking name. So to piss him you stopped walking and he sighed "Don't fucking start, I swear to the Tsaritsa."

By the time you were in the plaza passing a cart with a delicious smell your feet were aching. The sun was starting to set, the sky a beautiful orange purple ombré. "Scaramouche I can't walk all the way back to your tent, my feet are killing me." Putting your adventure bag on the ground you sat on it, rubbing your feet.

Scaramouche crossed his arms and merely watched you sit, perhaps a feeling of pity? Definitely not as he placed a foot on your lower chest and pushed you onto the ground "Did I say you could rest? And I don't recall giving a shit, get up."

"Make me."

"This again? If you say so, I'm starting to think you enjoy this you kinky bitch." He stated and reached for your hair grabbing a fistful. Scaramouche had started to yank you up roughly, the searing pain on your sensitive scalp made you shoot up onto your feet yourself. "Ow ow okay I'm up I'm up! Let go asshole!"

Scaramouche didn't let go however, he kept a good grip and stared at you. You brought your hands to wrap around his to try to relieve the painful grip he had. "You can let go now Scaramouche." He tilted his head and eyed your hair "I wonder how much I could pull out with one pull..." he whispered giving another slight tug. Panicked you stepped on his foot hoping to pull away, hissing through teeth his grip only became stronger.

Scaramouche yanked your face close to his and you gasped at the pain of the action, you could feel his breath tingling on your lips. "Keep testing me, I won't hesitate Y/N."

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