Chapter 30: Harbinger's Weakness

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Your soon to be husband is overwhelmed with positive emotions at your answer

Childe catches you two after a discussion and wants a second proposal with the ring just to witness it


The two of you had begun to walk out the restaurant as Scaramouche held his hand for you to help you watch your step. His smile seemed so genuinely happy and as happy as it made you it was almost creepy to seem him.... Well not with a scowl. But this moment had to be enjoyed

"Thank you," you whispered as you took his hand and walked down the steps. It still hadn't fully hit you that you were now to be married. Scaramouche, the sixth of the Fatui Harbingers was your fiancé. Perhaps the most ruthless of them all was going to be at your side from here on out

"Of course." Scaramouche answered and when you two had begun to walk he didn't let go of your hand. His grip was firm but not enough to hurt you as he walked at your side. "That question I asked you at dinner was genuine by the way." He spoke and you gazed at him "What kind of wedding ceremony would you like? I am willing for anything as long as it makes you happy."

That made your heart flutter and face flush at his honesty. Scaramouche would be willing to marry in any format just for you? Truly? But you hadn't ever given wedding ceremonies a thought in your life. It wasn't that you didn't care for romance but rather never saw yourself getting married. Especially to a Fatui Harbinger

"I haven't thought about it Scara. What would you like?" You asked and gave his hand a slight squeeze. His smile faltered but he turned to look at you and shrugged "Worry not for my opinion. You have a day or so to think about it. Right now however I wanted you to get into contact with someone."

After some time Scaramouche pulled you with him until you saw a cart with some things placed on it not too far from the restaurant. It was illuminated and stood almost hauntingly. It seemed like a cart that would be used in the market, but no one was there

"Um, who exactly? There's no one here." You laughed slightly and sat down on a seat next to it. Your fiancé huffed "That's because I killed the cart owner for his supplies. You will be contacting this person through letter, which you will begin writing right now."

Your face dropped and your eyes widened "Scara!! You killed the cart owner?! How could you?!"

He scowled and took his seat while waving his hand around in boredom "What? I wasn't about to pay and rent this spot! So I killed them and made it easier."

When you still shot him a look he sighed and gave in "I made it quick alright? Lets not ruin the mood."

"Ruin the mood?" You sarcastically asked "You just killed someone."

He returned his eyes back on you "uh huh and I'll continue to do so. Anyhow begin writing. Go on!" The smile crept back onto his face and leaned his chin on his hand "But I guess I should inform you that you will be writing to Su. I want her to know of our engagement. After all I'm sure you'll want her there."

Su? He wanted to inform and invite her? So out of character for him, but he was also in love with you so technically he had been out of a Harbinger's character this whole time

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