Chapter 7: Intoxication

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Childe drags you around Liyue as an attempt to slightly cheer you up as he knows what it's like to care for family even though he was apart of the problem. He even treats you but little do you know it's still just apart of his matchmaking "skills"

Scaramouche seals the deal with Su


Perhaps it was the way Childe was trying to cheer you up pulling you around Liyue and showing you things, but it only filled you with more dread. He was excitedly pulling you from cart to cart and finally let go of your wrist, "Listen I know it's probably not easy for you right now, I know what's it's like to care for family."

You just looked at him sadly "Scaramouche won't exactly harm... Su was it?"

You nodded "Yes that's her name, she's like a mother to me. Will he kill her?"

Childe pursed his lips together, frowning "I don't believe so, killing her now wouldn't benefit him."

You narrowed your eyebrows, what did he mean it wouldn't benefit him now? How would that benefit him at all?

"But cheer up! Could be worse, Scara could have killed her in front of you or something." Childe nudged you with his elbow playfully, not noticing the dread on your face. You wondered if Scaramouche was talking to Su at this very moment, you wondered if she was okay. All you wanted to do was see her, run to her.

"Master Childe!" A voice rang out and you turned to see a Fatui agent, the mask hiding the top of her face. She cautiously looked at you before leaning in to whisper something to Childe, who's expression lit up slightly. "Really now? Didn't think he would be done by now. He must be joining us, Girlie change of plans!"

"What do you mean?" You asked and the Fatui agent merely nodded to greet you before turning on her heel to leave, were all agents so eager to get away from Harbingers?

"We're gonna buy you something pretty! Come on!" Childe dragged you away and you struggled greatly to keep up. He was definitely much taller than Scaramouche and you were tripping over your feet. He seemed way too excited for whatever buying you something pretty meant.

Childe stopped suddenly you crashed into his back, "We're here! Well what are you standing here for? Go in and let me know if you find something you like!"

You walked slowly into the building confused and then realized it was a clothing store, an expensive one at that. Clothing on racks that you felt wrong to just look at. Childe let his hand rest on your lower back and pushed lightly to gesture you to hurry. "We'll need to find you something elegant and beautiful to wear to lunch! The lunch today is very important! I'm thinking matching colors!" He shouted excitedly

"Wait here!" Childe ran further into the shop and you stood awkwardly gazing around. What did he mean the lunch today was important? You cleared your mind and looked at a stunning red dress that caught your attention, but quickly looked away when you saw the price tag. There was a reason you had no idea this store existed, it must have been for the first class party of Liyue. You didn't even wanna breathe to risk breaking anything. To your surprise Childe came walking back with a woman who seemed not much older than you. "Sarah I need you to prep her just like I asked! Remember makeup and matching colors!"

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