Chapter 21: Occasionally Pleasing

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After locking yourself in your apartment for weeks after Scaramouche leaves it starts to get to you. You hate to admit it but you miss him. You wonder if he once more shares the same feelings too

A guest shows up despite you wanting to be alone. He insists he stays


Weeks had gone by since the decision of "terminating" the contact between you and Scaramouche had gone by. Since then you stayed away from the Northland bank and the area within the mountains that his camp lingered in. You wondered what he did with your belongings and guaranteed he disposed of them at once. The only regret was the teacup that Su had gifted you was there, and most likely now gone.

In your apartment you had just finished eating breakfast and decided you should go for a walk within the city. Anything to help clear your mind as of lately you had been balled up on your bed.
Hidden in the darkness of your apartment.

It was painful at first, when Scaramouche had left. He had kept his word, no matter how much you may have wanted him to show up at your door he never did. But you blamed yourself for the stupid feelings, it was apart of your contract after all. It was for the better

When you moved to put on your shoes your eyes landed on something within your hamper. Immediately you recognized the black shirt that belonged to the Harbinger, the one you stole after you two had sex. The morning after when you decided to walk to Liyue together

Should you burn it? Rid yourself of it? Of course you should, after all he must have done the same with your belongings. It only made sense

But you didn't, instead opted to throwing it in the back of your dresser. At least it would be out of sight and out of mind. When your fingers grasped the soft fabric the first image that popped in your head was him. Scaramouche

The image of him smiling at you with that one in a lifetime smile the day you two "broke up" or whatever you wanted to call it. Technically you both weren't in a relationship but at times it felt as if you were. Despite all the trouble and negativity it brought the Harbinger made you occasionally happy throughout. Even if at times he made your life a living hell

Eventually you snapped out of it and headed outside of your apartment to check if any letters had arrived in your name. If anything from Su had reached you

But as usual these past weeks when you checked there was nothing, not a single letter in your name. Concern filled your inside as you wondered if Su was truly okay, if Scara had- no if Scaramouche had kept his word of not harming her. However You believed as there would be no benefit if he did, Scaramouche never was the one to do more if not necessary. Especially if there was no benefits

So with a sigh you decided to leave the mailroom and begin your small walk. Maybe to see some birds flying or children flying the new style of kites would make you feel better.

Once opening the door you smushed right into something firm, something warm.

"Ahh good morning to you too comrade!"

Ah that something was Childe

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