Chapter 26: Compromise

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Scaramouche is having a hard time on deciding to tell you he's leaving. So he decides not to

But someone recommends a different idea and view of the situation. Scaramouche didn't expect that considering the person


Scaramouche had left early in the morning, although he tried not wake you it was useless. You had woke because of the lack of warmth and you reached out to grab his shirt before he could escape the bed fully.

"Where are you going?" You asked groggily and rubbed you eyes with your free hand.

Scaramouche turned around and gently swatted your hand away from gripping his shirt "I'm sorry, business came up last night. That's the reason why I came through the window. I have to go."

His voice was stern and hint of annoyance laced it

"Take me with you, let me just get dressed." You suggested but the Harbinger's face became surprised "No! I can't but I want to! Truly!"

With his out burst your eyes widened and you looked to the side awkwardly "You can't take me back to the bank with you?"

Scaramouche's heart had calmed down, he forgot he didn't inform you of his deployment to Inuzuma coming up. He didn't want to tell you

"I-" he sighed "Not today, you need to rest anyhow." He stated and defeated you sank further into the bed, the Harbinger felt kind of bad about leaving you without the information you deserved but it was for the best for now.

Sighing he grabbed your chin and lifted it so you could look him in the eyes "I will try my best to come back between work. No promises. If I can do you want to get lunch together?"

Smiling you nodded frantically and Scaramouche returned a slight smile, he was obviously still exhausted. "Very well, now get your ass back to sleep."

Shoving your face back into the pillow he smirked at your groan and turned to leave. You however picked up your face from the pillow with your eyes closed "Scara Have a good day at work, I lov-"

Scaramouche leaned against your door frame with a stern face and had a single finger to dim the barely visible light in your bedroom "I know, I love you too." And with that it became pitch dark once more. The last thing you heard was Scaramouche leaving through the front door. At least it wasn't the window


Scaramouche had entered the office of the Northland bank with a sneer, his annoyed mood was pretty obvious.
So much so that the lower ranking Fatui members tried their best to keep out of his way, ducking and bringing him the reports he desired at once.

Sneering he shooed the last lower rank away from him with his hand, how troublesome they were.

"My lord!"

Ah of course one was still in his presence

"What is it?" The Harbinger snapped but relaxed his facial expression when he saw it was a letter being held out for him. The seal on the letter was an Inazuman one. Currently no one could have sent him a letter from the enclosed land, so with curiosity he took it.

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