Chapter 1

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That man, is honestly the most beautiful human Louis has ever laid eyes on. Like, ever. Half long, brown, curly hair, greenest of eyes and a jawline sharper than all the knives in the kitchen combined. His shoulders are broad, carrying a laptop bag and his large hand is dragging a suitcase. He steps over the threshold and into the hallway chuckling lightly.

The cause must be the woman following behind him, a young lady carrying two boxes and rambling on. Louis won't focus on what she's saying because he knows. The house is haunted, and apparently the woman feels the need to warn every new owner of the house about it, trying to scare them away, maybe, before the haunting does that. She keeps helping all the people move in and out though, so Louis takes it she's nice enough.

They both walk in and out of the house a few more times, carrying boxes and plants too big to fit in a box, until the man kisses the woman on the cheek, thanks her and walks her out of his new house.

"Of course I understand if you don't believe me, but I assure you, Harry. I assure you it is haunted! I don't know what it is, not a mummy, people would've seen obviously. A ghost, maybe. Be careful, you can always—"

"Thanks, Denise. I'll let you know if I need anything. Congrats with the newborn!"

Louis hears their voices before the door closes and he reappears in the living room. The coziness it's supposed to hold is still in dozens of boxes. The man, supposedly Harry, looks around the room and sighs, happily starting to unpack multiple boxes at the same time so there's half empty boxes everywhere and stuff is lying around.

Organised, the man is not. He is attractive though, so Louis keeps watching him curiously from the corner of the room.


It is at the second night after Harry moved in, that Louis gets excited. He doesn't really want to scare Harry away, like he scared away all the previous owners. But let's face it, he's bored. He's bored out of his mind. Actually, it's all he's ever really felt. No one can see him, or hear him, and he can't leave the house. What else is there to do?

Usually, it doesn't take much. First he does is wander around and observe, locate certain things he's sure will have a secure spot like... his keys, which he removes from the hook by the door and takes all the way to the kitchen to throw onto the counter. He also places each kitchen towel in a different cabinet, a maniacal grin on his face.

Next, he wanders to the living room, where he turns Harry's new couch randomly around and takes off the curtains Harry had just installed the night before.

Finally he enters the bathroom. He sets the cup with Harry's toothbrush inside a cabinet and pulls open a drawer. After plugging in the hair dryer and laying it on the closed toilet seat, he takes a few more bottles out of the drawer before closing it. Spare toothpaste is now in the shower rack and he giggles to himself as he balances the hairspray onto the sink. When he looks down at the last tube in his hand, he yelps a little and reads on curiously.

Durex Play Perfect Glide Anal Lube.

He heard of that. He definitely heard of that. He just... doesn't know what to do. He isn't able to touch anyone physically so he's never considered he himself would be able to experience something like that. Something like he saw happen with the couple that lived in the house a few years ago. It grossed him out back then, but now...

He hastily leaves the bathroom and jumps up the stares to the attic, opening a small wooden casket and placing the stolen bottle inside.


Louis is confused. Apart from being bored again, he is now very confused too.

Harry has a very cute bedhead the next morning when he wanders out of his bedroom, and louis gulps when he sees his broad chest and abs on display, sweats hanging low on his hips. He doesn't follow Harry into the bathroom, he isn't a creep, but he does place his ear against the door to hear if Harry yelps as he sees his hairspray on the sink or notices the blowdryer on the toilet or can't find his toothbrush.

There's nothing. That's where his confusion starts.

Harry happily showers, singing a song Louis quite enjoys listening to, before walking out of the bathroom stark naked and Louis does yelp and cover his eyes. Again, he isn't a creep. (He is, though, only a young man attracted to men so it does take some willpower, but he manages.)

When the tall man emerges from his bedroom once again, this time fully clothed, Louis follows him around like a puppy, eager to see him notice something is off and let the first streak of fear slowly settle in.

The walk through the living room is utterly disappointing. Harry walks through, right to the kitchen, not even batting an eye at the couch facing the wall or the curtains draped on the floor.

The kitchen is even more boring. Harry sadly doesn't need any of the kitchen towels divided in different cabinets, nor does he notice they aren't hanging on their rightful hooks.

The only bit of satisfaction Louis gets from his work is when Harry gets up to leave, pulls on his leather jacket in the hallway, and then curses.

Of course he does. Louis hid his keys — well, hid, they're right there on the counter — and smirks now as he watches harry shuffle back into the kitchen. He looks around and spots the keys, mumbling another curse under his breath as he takes them and leaves the house. With it, leaving its ghost alone, bored, and just a tad confused.

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