Chapter 2

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It's now been a week, and every morning Harry frustratingly looks through all the kitchen drawers for his keys. But apart from that, Louis has nothing to be excited about.

Harry is... probably not ignorant, but he literally doesn't notice anything. Louis' stunts have gotten bigger and bigger over the days, but apparently even a shoe on top of the tv or a fork sticking out from between two couch cushions aren't weird in a house like Harry's.

It frustrates Louis to the point he decides to do a Superhauntingday. He goes all out. For real.

His trip starts in Harry's bedroom. He's a little shy at first, to be in the man's personal space, but when he finds the courage, he pulls open the wardrobe and quite literally takes out every single clothing in it, throwing it on the floor carelessly. (Harry has just vacuumed the day before, so it's okay.)

He plugs out the phone charger from next to the bed and places it into the empty wardrobe, closing its doors. A photo of Harry and an older woman, probably his mom, he gently places face-down on the nightstand. Not that there's much to see, but he does have some respect.

He takes the two pillows from the bed out of their pillow cases, but leaves them on the bed, before skipping through the hall to the bathroom. He places all the towels in the bathtub, tucks the few rolls of toilet paper into the pot of a big plant in the corner of the room which he then struggles to move to the center of the room.

Then he decides to repeat all his previous pranks of the bathroom. His jaw drops as he pulls the drawer open again, and sees a new, full, purple bottle of what he stole. the etiquette is even still on it. Clearly Harry noticed this had been missing, so he hastily puts it back and leaves the bathroom for what it is.

The living room is a same old again, turning all couches around in different directions, redone curtains he shuffles all to one side of the big window, he divides Harry's neat row of shoes to weird spots all over the room and hides the tv remote.

In the kitchen, he does most work. It goes really slowly, as he wants to be careful not to break anything, to switch the content of every single drawer and cabinet with another.

Only when he hears the front door open as Harry returns from his job, he hastily turns on the sink and goes to stand in the corner of the room again to observe.

Harry frowns as he enters the kitchen, hearing the sink and hurrying to put it closed. Harry curses again, and he frowns again, and he does look confused this time. Only it brings Louis little to no satisfaction, seeing Harry's rumpled forehead. Maybe he will freak out more if he sees the rest.

Louis follows him around, again. But Harry doesn't freak out. Instead, he sighs a lot, looks troubled, even, as he cleans every mess Louis made and puts his stuff in the right order. Then he locks himself in his room for a while, and Louis is still waiting for the satisfaction to come.

It doesn't.

A few hours later, after Harry's ordered food and eaten in silence instead of happily enjoying his Netflix show, the frown still urged into his brows, the tall man is lying on the centre couch with his phone pressed to his ear. Louis watches from another couch as he speaks lowly.

"Hi, mum."

"No, I know, I just..."

"No, no. I'm okay, you don't need to come over. Just feels a bit lonely in the beginning. Still need to make some friends and stuff."

"Yeah... i've taken my meds, yes."

"I suppose they did, but now... I don't know, mum, I forget where I put stuff all the time, and it's actually quite hard to keep the whole house clean all the time."

"I don't know how hard I can blame being messy on my ADHD, though." he chuckles lightly, and Louis smiles a little at the sight. Maybe he wants to try and make Harry do that more, instead of scaring him.

When Harry's smile disappears, Louis' does too. He notices, as Harry keeps talking to his mum, that the only thing Louis has done is making Harry sad.

He didn't want to make Pretty Harry sad.

He only really wanted his attention, even though he knows it's impossible. He's a ghost, and every time he tried getting someone's attention, they got scared and left the house.

Except for Louis, because he can't leave the house even when he's scared. Even when he doesn't know where he comes from or why he exists or what is making the floor in the hallway creak at night. Because it's not him.

Louis is scared too.

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