Chapter 7

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To be honest, Louis had never expected his life to change so much with this new break through. Well, his life... existence more like. However, he does feel more alive now. Harry and him are able to do stuff together, in a better way than before. Harry can touch his arm when he makes a joke, and he can bump his shoulder to distract him as they play the PS4. They cook together and when Harry sees a certain spoon moving or disappearing, he goes behind the pot it was in and sneaks his arms around the smaller boy's waist.

It's doing all sorts of things to his heart, but he assumes it's all part of life. He likes to believe he's close to actually being alive. He doesn't dare to hope too much, though. He's had moments where he could randomly do something new and he thought he became a real person, but then the homeowners returned and they still ignored him. They still walked through him.

He's happier though, and he notices Harry is more energetic too. He's walking around humming songs and he's got a sparkle in his eye.

Louis catches himself being giggly a lot. Laughing at everything Harry says and giggling as soon as he does anything remotely funny. (Mostly, it's Harry pretending to trip or actually tripping over something.) He didn't like it at first, the weird sound that came out of his throat so much suddenly, but then Harry said it was 'adorable' and everything was fine again.

Louis also only slept in his own bed (in the guestroom) once this whole week, which was because he took a nap and didn't notice Harry coming home late at night, since he has to work late and meets up with friends most Thursdays. But he slept through dinner and only woke in the middle of the night when Harry had gone to sleep too. There was a cup of tea in a thermos on the bedside table, though, which was a bit ridiculous because it would be cold if Louis only woke up the following morning. He appreciates it anyway.

Harry becomes more likeable everyday.

So that was that, but all the other nights, they spent their whole evening together, playing games and watching TV until late at night, when they fell asleep on the couch, cuddling. Louis never felt so safe and warm.

It's Saturday and they had a whole day of fun. They played a new board game Harry bought, which took very long so Louis got kind of bored and started messing with the pawns when harry wasn't looking, confusing him to no extend. It was hilarious if you ask Louis. Harry pretended to be annoyed, but he had a smile on his face anyway.

They're watching their show again that evening, Harry laying on his back on the couch with Louis on top of him. The ghost has in the last three hours only gotten up to take a blanket and throw it over both of them. He nuzzles his face in Harry's shirt, right against his chest, as he relaxes further into the other boy's body.

"Do you remember that one night," Harry suddenly speaks up, words jumbled together a bit as his lips press to Louis' head, "when you said it was the first time you felt sad?"

"Of course I remember, Hazza. It was the day you were able to touch me." Louis mumbles back, a happy tone in his voice at the memory. "It was the best day ever."

"Yeah, it was." Harry agrees, but then he sighs, "You felt sad though. And, it was something you never felt before."

Louis frowned, not really understanding what Harry was getting at. He didn't want to think about that feeling anymore. It was the first time he felt it and it was horrible. "It was over soon enough, Hazza. You really don't need to worry..."

"I'm not. But I was just thinking, like," He sighs again, and goes to sit up straight, forcing Louis to do the same. He's searching and then taking Louis' hands in his though, because it's nice to have some sort of contact while holding a conversation. "When I heard you for the first time, a month or two ago... Did something happen that night? To you, I mean?"

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