Chapter 3

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The next morning, Harry looks even worse. The color under his eyes looks unhealthy and he slumps around the house trying to find things.

Louis hid his keys again. He doesn't really know why, because yesterday's events kind of made him want to stop pestering Harry. But he's literally got nothing else to do. Maybe he's trying to prove to himself that he isn't affected by the human and he is still the taunting ghost he always was. Maybe he still wants his attention.

So Louis watches. He watches as Harry grumpily gathers his stuff and walks into the hallway, anticipation bubbling in his stomach. Not in a good way.

He only hears Harry's footsteps coming back into the kitchen a few minutes later. The man places his big hands on the counter, eyes closed and jaw tight as he sighs to himself. Then a tired groan leaves his throat as he hastily pulls open a few drawers until he finds the keys, takes his bag from the floor and actually leaves the house.

Now, Louis feels bad. Really bad. He's lost. He doesn't know what to do next. He doesn't want to annoy Harry any further. He even regrets his actions, feels disappointed in himself. But what can he possibly do as a ghost stuck in this house apart from scaring people?

Louis is truly lost.


It's new, and it sucks, the way he feels right now. He's never been so alone, never felt so lonely, never felt so disappointed in himself.

That's why, when Harry comes home from work that day, Louis is curled up in a ball on the floor beside the couch, sobbing lightly. He won't taunt Harry again, he's only destined to be lonely forever now.

"Hello?" Harry's deep voice rumbles through the living room. Louis looks up, face wet with tears, and he snuffles a little as he frowns. Harry flinches. From what, Louis doesn't know, he can't see or hear anything that Harry may see or hear.

He watches as Harry takes a broom and holds it up in his hands as he looks around the living room and shuffles closer to where Louis is sitting. Louis keeps snuffling and is even more confused when Harry approaches. He certainly doesn't expect it when the broom is held in the air and Harry goes to hit him with it. He yelps before he can, though, and Harry immediately stops and retreats.

"Is... is someone there?" Harry whispers, the broom still in his hands but lowered.

Louis' brain can't follow. Harry isn't supposed to be able to hear him. He hasn't been able to, until now apparently. Just to test the waters, he answers equally quietly; "Yes...?"

Harry swallows and looks in the direction of the sound, straight towards Louis.

"Can, can you see me?" Harry then asks into open air.

"I can see you." Louis answers, hope bubbling in his chest. "Can you see me?"

"Uh... I- where are you right now?"

Louis frowns. Harry was looking directly at him a few seconds ago. He stands up right in front of the tall man and wipes his tears. "I'm right in front of you."

Harry bites his lip and slowly reaches forwards. As soon as his fingers touch the air in which Louis is standing, the small ghost yelps. "Please don't do that, feels ice cold."

"Oh god." Harry mumbles under his breath. He looks a little scared, but interested. "Oh god. Uh, are you- are you in my head?"

"I'm not." Louis tries not to be offended. It's only normal for an unknowing human to think he's going crazy when he hears the voice of a person he can't see. "I'm- uh. You probably won't believe me... but, I- I'm a ghost, i think? Like, no one can see me. And I can't leave the house for some reason, but I don't really know-"

"You're a ghost?" Harry asks, a tiny smile curling his lips. "You're telling me I'm talking to a ghost."

"Well," Louis sighs, debating his answer as he speaks hesitantly, "I think so."

"Okay. Okay well, I'm. I guess you're... Uh. Can we, I'll sit down for a second." Harry rambles to himself as he goes to sit down on the couch, frowning in thought as he considers how probable it is for that to be true.

Louis goes to sit next to him, but he can't see that, of course. There's a few minutes of silence as Louis gives the taller man the room to think about it.

"What's your name, then?" Harry asks eventually.


"And, how do you know?"

Now that's a question Louis has never thought about. When he does think about it, Louis doesn't know a lot about himself. "I don't- I don't know how I know. I've just always known."

"Alright." Harry smiles a little, turning so he's speaking towards Louis' voice. "Why are you here?"

"I don't know that either." Louis frowns a little. then he adds sadly, "I don't even know why I exist..."

Harry frowns a little, feeling a little sorry for the creature. "Hmm, that sucks... I'm Harry, by the way.

They both smile, though Harry doesn't see it.

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