Chapter 6

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It's been a whole day and Harry still hasn't heard from Louis. He's been sulking at home all day, since it's Saturday, complaining about trash TV channels and muttering about his tea not being hot enough. He's frustrated, to say the least, and he knows he's hurt Louis, but the ghost has simply disappeared. It gets to the point where he cleans the whole house, simply to distract himself, and hopes that maybe Louis is just hiding in another room.

It doesn't matter, though. The ghost doesn't let Harry hear anything from himself until late at night, Harry sits on the couch with an empty teacup on the coffee table. The TV isn't on. Harry's just staring at nothing.

He sighs, deeply, and tries one last time.

"Louis?" He softly calls, trying not to breath too loud in case the ghost is in the same room.

He flinches when he does hear an answer. It's only a whisper, from the corner of the room, but it's there.

"Yeah... I'm here."

"God, Louis," Harry sighs again, breathing through his nose as he stands up and tries to look in Louis' direction. He fish mouths for a few seconds, trying to get his thoughts together about what he needs to say. "I'm, so glad you're here."

"I'm sorry," Louis speaks suddenly. It sounds like he's in tears already, his voice thick. And now he's kind of glad Harry can't see him, standing in the corner of the room with his arms tightly around his middle, trying not to let the tears drop.

"No. No, Lou, I'm sorry. I- I don't know why I did that. You didn't deserve that. I was just scared of what Niall would think, and, like what would happen if he couldn't hear you." Harry takes a step closer, but Louis feels like he's still miles away.

"You said... You-"

"I didn't mean it. That's- It's not really what I think. I know you're real, Lou. I know you are. And I'm so, so sorry for saying that shit. I was just scared Niall wouldn't be able to hear you and he'd call me crazy, and that's not even an excuse." He looks down at his feet, looking very ashamed of himself. "I shouldn't have said it, I didn't mean it, and I'm sorry."

"Okay," Louis answers quietly. He wipes away the few tears that escaped and slowly steps out of his little corner and goes to sit on the couch.

"I'm just-"

Harry turns around swiftly, looking confused.

"Sorry," Louis giggles a little. He sometimes forgets Harry can't see him, "I'm on the couch, left side."

Harry smiles, "Oh," and goes to sit next to him.

"Can you turn the TV on? I, I don't like when it's so quiet."

Harry does so, and they watch a random show they don't really follow for a few minutes, until Louis breaths in loudly and speaks what's on his mind.

"I just felt so..." He gulps, trying to find the words, "I've felt really annoyed before, and, when I cry I mostly feel lonely. I just never felt like this..."

Harry frowns a little, keeping his gaze to his couch as he wants Louis to be able to look at his face when he speaks to him. He hopes it makes Louis feel normal, and the smaller boy appreciates that greatly. Harry has a beautiful face anyway.

"I've felt lonely and scared before, but this is... new. It's weird. I'm just so, I'm just really..."

"Sad?" Harry finishes for him, guessing Louis isn't all too familiar with the word.

"I guess so..." Louis says, and he's trying his hardest to keep the tears away. He doesn't even know why, at this point. He was hurt before and Harry apologised. It's alright, but he still feels... sad.

"It's okay to be sad, Louis. You've been here all on your own, your whole... existence. I know you think you haven't been through much, but you have. You figured everything out by yourself, with no-one to help you. That's pretty darn impressive."

Louis smiles a little, and so does Harry, as if he knew. Louis sniffles a bit, feeling better already.

"You should be proud of yourself. And, I'm sorry again."

"It's okay, I forgive you." Louis smiles, sighing in relief, then asks, "Can we watch our show, and can I lay my head on your shoulder?"

"Of course." Harry smiles, taking the remote when he stills. He's quiet for a while when he chokes out "Louis?"

"Yes? What's wrong, does the remote not work?" He looks up at Harry, but the man is still frozen, until he leans back in Louis' body a little, making the boy press his head to his neck.

"I- I can feel it." Louis doesn't understand at first, when Harry reaches out a hand and finds his shoulder, fisting his shirt a little.

"What?" he breaths, trying to process.

"I can feel you. Oh my god, I can feel you!" Harry suddenly exclaims, smiling so bright his cheeks must hurt and then Louis can't hold himself in anymore. He jumps up, throws a leg over the man and hugs him as tight as he can. He's crying too, but he kind of hopes Harry doesn't realise (he does).

"God, I'm so happy you're real. I'm so happy... you've no idea." Harry sighs, hugging Louis back just as tight. He can feel how small the boy is now, compared to himself. His thin arms are bound around him, his face pressed to his neck and his little legs just hugging his waist. He feels Louis shake a little so he asks, "Boo, are you crying?"

"I'm sorry," Louis sobs, his body shaking with it, but he can't seem to let Harry go just yet. "I'm sorry, I'm just so happy you can feel me. I'm so happy." he mumbles in the man's neck, trying not to stain Harry's t-shirt too much. It's too late, really.

"It's okay, Lou. You're okay. I'm here." Harry mumbles back

They can't keep their hands from each other for the rest of the night, really, as they lie down and just cuddle. They watch a few episodes on their show before turning off the tv. Neither has trouble falling asleep, lying in each other's arms.

Louis feels whole.

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