Chapter 8

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The next morning they're sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast together. Harry has been rambling about anything and everything all morning, but even if Louis is kind of too tired and morning-grumpy to really respond, he enjoys seeing Harry be so passionate about his work and friends and other things. His voice is soft and deep, soothing. Louis loves listening to Harry.

The man is making tea now, still talking but Louis kind of zoned out. When Harry turns around with the teapot in hand and stands next to Louis, all he can see is his nice, nice biceps and broad shoulders.


"Oh, sorry. What'd you say?" Louis answers fast, trying to cover up his thoughts of before. Harry can't see where he's looking, anyway, so he probably exposed himself with the squeak in his voice.

Harry just chuckles and holds up the can, "Want some tea?"


It happens fast, after that. Harry goes to pour the steaming tea in the teacup on the table, the same time Louis takes it to hold it up for Harry to pour in. He totally forgot the teacup would disappear for Harry, and the older boy doesn't notice in time. A boiling hot splash of tea lands on Louis' arm, burning his skin. He can't help but let out a little scream as he jumps up from his chair. A little whimper comes out of his mouth as soon as he tries to touch the sensitive skin on his wrist and hand.

"Shit! I'm so sorry, Boo!" Harry says immediately, searching for the boy's arm and then pulling him in a little embrace. "I'm sorry, darling. Does it hurt much? It must've, that was boiling hot."

"It kinda does..." Louis answers in a small voice. He doesn't want to make Harry feel bad, but it really does hurt.

"I didn't see you went for the cup. I'm so sorry, hun. Here," Harry pulls on his other arm towards the counter, tapping the space, "why don't you take a seat, I'm gonna go take the first aid kit."

"Alright," Louis says. It hurts, but Harry will make him feel better. Harry always makes him feel better. And it's kinda cute how worried he is right now, being a gentleman and all.

Harry comes back a few minutes later with a little box. He gets out some ointment and a small bandage. He puts the things on the counter next to the place he told Louis to sit. To locate him, he searches for the boys thighs, then goes to stands between them when found.

Louis just hopes he won't feel the goosebumps all over his body from feeling those big hands on his thighs. Harry's doing things to him, and maybe he knows why, but he just discovered that himself. Is he really ready for Harry to know what he does to Louis, too?

Harry doesn't say anything about it, and just stands in between his legs, their bodies close together.

"Give me your hand." Harry softly says with that deep voice of his. Louis does so, and all he can do is wonder why it suddenly all feels so intimate.

Harry softly puts some ointment on the surface of his skin, where Louis points it out to hurt, and softly strokes his hand to let it settle in. Then he takes the bandage and carefully wraps it around his wrist and hand, making sure his fingers have enough room to move. He fastens it with a little pin, then softly lets go of the boy's hand.

He doesn't step away, though, is the thing. He steps even closer, so their chests almost touch. It doesn't do much to help with Louis' goosebumps. The small boy tries to focus on evening out his breathing, but it only hitches when one of Harry's hands come up to hold his cheek, his thumb pulling a little on his lower lip as his other hand is splayed out over his thigh.

Louis knows. He knows, but he's scared and he doesn't dare to do it first. He's waiting, his heart beating out of his chest and his whole body feeling warm with how close Harry is. So as soon as Harry asks, "Lou," he can only whine a little "Yeah, please." before Harry crashes their lips together. It is amazing, how close they feel to each other even if Louis knows the other boy has never even seen him, in any way.

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