Chapter 1

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I smile walking back up to the studio I once called home... I had trusted Joey to take care of my creations but he's changed now and I'm scared for the ink charecter I had created... their paper, what am I talking about-anyway, when I got the letter from Joey with him wanting to see me I felt nervous but knew I needed to come visit.

I walk into the studio, the outside looking run down but the inside looks like the studio I once knew. I take in the smell of old ink and wood, I close my eyes recalling the noises of pencils scrapping across paper, the sound of ink pens hitting the filled bottles of the black liquid, and the sound of the projectors switching between every slide. I frown slightly at this but my smile quickly grows back onto my face as the nostalgia hits me.

"Hello?!" I call out into the halls of the studio and suddenly I feel firm hands on my shoulders. I turn quickly to see Joey who smiles at me his large smile, his calgone strong as we laugh. Joey pulls me into a tight embrace as I yell "Joey don't ever scare me like that again!" Joey puts some space between us but still has his hands on my shoulders, I'm 5'6 and he's 6'5. "Sorry about that old pal, long time no see! I'm so happy to see you!" Joey says and I reply "Same to you... What did you want me here for? Not like I wouldn't have visited sooner or later anyway but still... We didn't really separate on good terms last time."

I hang my head slightly as he lowers his hands to his side, his smile faltered slightly as his brown eyes show sympathy.

I have heterochromia, it makes my eyes two different colors, one an emerald green and the other a cobalt blue, I also have a strip of white in my hair while Joey's is an almost black color of brown. "Forget about that... I have something to show you." Joey says grabbing me by my wrist and pulls me down the halls, his grip not tight enough to hurt. Joey pulls me into an old office with a dark wood desk and a crimson red sofa. Joey lets go and closes the door, giving me a large smile and I feel an eerie feeling that something is wrong.

I take a close look at Joey who walks to his desk, his skin pail... extremely pale. "Joey... You okay, you look pail?" I ask as he pulls a key out of his desk, he looks at me then to a door with a lock on it, ignoring my question. Joey opens the door and beckons me to follow. "Cmon'... I want to show you something." Joey says, his smile soft and his eyes gental. I take a deep breath and follow him into the dark corridors, the dim lights leading the way. "Joey this is scarring me, I don't remember this corridor... Did you add this when I left?" I ask and he gives me a hum in response. I let out a shakey breath as we make it to a large room with a large meachine that spews drips ink.

I suddenly hear something behind us and see a small figure run through the halls and I take in a deep breath, scooting closer to Joey who doesn't look away from the machine. "J-J-Joey what is this... Wh-Why have you b-b-braught me here!?" I ask unable to hide the fear going through my body as my heart races and I see the grin of Joey turn more evil. I hear footsteps and look behind me to see...Bendy?!

I gasp as Joey grabs my wrist. "Joey that hurts!" I yell when I see the evil in his eyes as he turns me to face the machine, his grip causing a pain. "Henry, you see... This machine I created is able to bring things of ink like your old pals Bendy and Borris to life and It's also the key to taking us to their world! When you left my word had gone down hill, Bendy lost his pep and noone wanted to see the little devil and now they live in their little world, he rules the world with an iron fist and they call him the ink demon... He will torture or kill almost anyone who goes in there.... When you left it hurt me, you abandoned me and our dreams to follow a 'normal' life... now you will pay..." Joey says with his evil grin growing.

I try to pull free as he pulls us closer and closer to the ink spills. "Joey please stop! I'm sorry! I-I-I never wanted to h-hurt you, please stop! P-P-Please!" I cry out trying to pull free, Joey has always been stronger than me. Tears stream down my face as we reach the puddles, I look back to see my creation standing in th flesh with a worried look. "Sorry Hen but this has to be done... for everyone." Joey says pushing me into the puddles. I try to stand but the puddles seem to be endless as they slowly pull me deeper, I reach out to Joey when suddenly Bendy hits him and starts to fight Joey. I feel myself lose conciousness then black, everything slowly drifts away when I feel a pair of hands pull me out of the puddles. I open my eys slightly with coughs to see the blurry figure of the smiling demon before I lose consiousness.

<Error_Code> I already love this stoy and will continue this!<3

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