Chapter 7

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<Error_Code404> Sorry it took me a while to update this book, I have had a lot of things to do... for a while and my B and N are acting up. Thanks for reading!

I look at the walls of the log halls, a feeling of un-ease washing over me. I watch the inc rise up my arm as a odd feeling of descust washes over me, my eyes flickering between red ad gold. I grip the pencil tighter as I close my eyes tightly.

It hurt, everything in my body hurt. My arm head hurt like a hammer was hitting them. I open my eyes to see Bendy and Sammy watching me.


I and Sammy look away quickly as Henry looks at us. Sammy whispers to me, "Did you see his eyes? One was red and the other was gold..." I nod with a sigh, frustration causing my ink to spill over my face.

"Bendy... Calm down, your ink is spilling." Henry says, a odd calmess in his tone- almost... empty... I turn my head to look at Henry, his face drained of emotion but his eyes glowinng each color. Seems both sides of his situation are in control, evening out his mood so he isn't trying to kill us and isn't trying to run off on his own. I force myself to calm, the ink stops spilling over my eyes. Henry gestures for Borris to put him down and Borris listens as we come to a stop.

Henry stand shakily, his now emotionless eyes staying on me. "What?!" I ask, a bitterness in my tone. Henry kneels and gets awfuly close, causing me to feel slightly uncomfertable. Henry, after a moment of silence, speeks with an empty tone that carries no emotion just like his eyes. "What is wrong? Find something... interesting?" Henry asks with his voice echoing in a menacing way, an evil grin on his face as he narrows his eyes on me. A chill goes down my back and I'm pretty sure everyones because everyone shivers as his eyes start both glowing red

Henry rubs his hand along the top of my head and I quickly hit his hand away. "What's wrong?! You-You are what's wrong! This whole flip flop personality is what concerns me!" I say angrily and jusy like now his personality flops because now too much emotion is showing as both eyes start glowing gold and golden cartoon tears start falling from his eyes as his expression starts showing hurt.

I look to Sammy and Borris for help as we all seem to panic at this sudden shift. Henry sits and pulls me into a hug, sobbing into my shoulder like a child crying into their favorite stuffed bear. "Hey! Hey now!... Relax..." Sammy says, trying to pull me from Henry's grip but instead he grips tighter.

I decide to hug him back and after a bit Henry calms enough to speak as I remove and clean off his glasses. "Just... calm down... It's alright but we have to get moving..." I say placing his glasses back on his face as he nods, standing. Henry finally lets go, still crying slightly... Whatever is causing his back and forth is realy messing with him.

I look at Henry, waiting for him to signal that it's alright to get moving now. Henry nods to me and I sigh as we start walking once more. I reluctantly offer my hand for him to hold and he stops crying but instead gains a goofy, child like grin and hold my hand. I get it now...

His sides are good and bad but that also connects to his moods from neggative to possitive. making when the possitive or his gold eyes are in control, he is sensitive and child like so he is very very sensitive... Geez I could have gone without the waterfalls as everyone knows... Paper and water don't mix well...

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