Chapter 2

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I watched in horror as Joey threw Henry into the ink puddles, Henry begging for his life. I grew angry, feeling the ink drip down my face. I lunge at Joey, nocking him to the ground before jumping onto the puddles. I appear in the world of ink, my world but no Henry. I feel myself panic, "What if Alice Angels or the cerupteds got to him first?" Think to myself, hoping not. I reach into the puddles as the ink dissipears from my face.

I get Henrys shirt and pull him out, he's covered in ink and his two colroed eyes both have rims of gold. Henry's eyes open slightly as I look down at him in worry then he faints. "Damn it!" I whisper yell, pulling him through the halls. I'm in my small form and if I go into my large form I'll lose control and might hurt Henry but that means I have to drag him. I manidge to get him to my little hide out area and lay him on a sofa.

I clean the ink from his eyes when he starts to wake up. I jump behind this cardboard cut out of Alice as Henry gasps awake and sits up looking around at the drawn room. "Wh-Where am I?! J-J-Joey?!... I'm sorry, p-please stop this!" Henry yells out as tears stream down his face. Henry pulls his legs to his kneese, shaking. "Henry? Is tha' realy you?..." I say and he looks up and around the room confused. "Who's there!?" He asks and I make a shh sound. "Sh! The others will here ya and then we'll both be in trouble." I whisper yell and Henry nods hesitantly, still shaking.

"Don't freak out... do you remember what Joey said about the machine bringing people like old pal Bendy to life?" I ask and he nods. I put my gloved hands out first and step out slowly. Henry gasps covering his mouth, his hyperventilating gets worse. I quickly get to him and remove his hand from his mouth, genty moving my hand over his. After a second he calms and looks at me with a casuious look.

"Y-Your alive!?" Henry whisper yells and I nod with a little hum before unintentionaly doing my innocent smile and giggle. Henry's eyes turn from fear to amazement. "Henry... Long time no see... From what I know Joey thinks I'd torture ya..." I say and Henry's eyes widen. "W-What?!" Henry asks in a whisper. "I'm the ink demon... I have a secon' form I can' control as well and that's the ink demon... Here the happy go ge' 'em cartoons ya made are evil or have some twist excep' Boris, he's jus' Boris." I say smiling at the last part and Henry shakes his head, grabbing at his head and burrying his face into his legs.

"Th-This is crazy! Wh-Why would Joey m-make a machine that turned you all into evil mosters! I trusted him with you all and he does this!" Henry whisper yells and I frown. I hated seeing Henry sad, I was just ink and paper but I could always see him. I cup Henrys face in my hands and grin widely. "I'm alive Henry, we aren't all monsters but I have to say that the longer your in here the more risk your at for being killed by me or anyone else and you will turn into one of the cerupted like... Sammy." I say cringing at the name, Sammy treats me like a god of some sorts and it's wierd. Henry takes a few deep breaths and asks "H-How do I g-g-get out?..."

I smile widely, walking away from him. "I can't take you through the ink like how you entered but there is a way to get through... our version of the machine but Joey and the others will be trying to get us, we need to find Boris..." I say and he nods, standing shakely. "L-L-Lead the way..." Henry says and I nod grabbing his hand, dragging him with me out the door.

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