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I look to Sammy with concern ad he picke up Henry, Henry had fainted. Sammy leads us to the employees sleep area, I forget the name. Sammy lays Henry down, Hnerys breathing uneasy. "Is he alright!?" I ask and Sammy sighs. "Something triggered this, I can feel it. His energy... He's becoming more cerupt but not like me or the others, a different kind... he is also tired from exhaustion making it easier for him to lose conciousness." Says Sammy when suddenly I hear the familiar laugh of... Alice.

Me and Sammy block Henry from her view. "Well well well, Henry is alive, I thought you said he drowned..." Alice says, half her face covered in bandidges. "I thought he did... We found him in the hall barrely able to stand, Alice..." I say through gritted teeth when she waves her hand and ink hands grab us tightly and move us out of the way from Henry. "No!" I yell struggling to get out of the hold as she walks up to Henry. Henry's eyes flutter awake and he gasps sitting up as an ink hand covers his mouth.

"Not now Henry, leave those screams for the real pain.~" Alice threatens as I feel the ink start to cover my face, anger filling my body. "Touch him and I kill you!" I yell in a demonc sounding voice and Alice laughs. "M-Master?!" Sammy says as I feel myself trun into the ink demon, tears fill Henrys eyes and Alice gasps. I turn fully ink demon and break free from the hands and swipe at Alice, hitting her into a wall and she faints from impact. The ink hands dissipear and Henry scoots into the wall, eyes filled with fear. I kneel infront of him and he closes his eyes tightly.

"Now now Henry... I won't hurt you just yet~" I say my voice now calm and echoey. Henry opens his eyes tiredly, causion in every movement as I slowly turn back into the small me. I turn to look at Alice angrily. "She's lucky I held control of the ink demon otherwise she's be nothing but puddles!" I yell and then we hear clapping. I see the fear return to Henrys face and I tur to see Joey, the ink starting to spill to my face once again.

I feel a tug on my hand and suddenly I'm pulled into Henry, his eyes glowing a gold color, any emotion drained from his face. Henry holds me tightly, refusing to let go. I snarl and he pats me on my head, I freeze not knowing what to do and the ink dissipears from my face as he forces himself to stand.

Joey gives a smug look, he himself is partialy ink. "Now Henry no hard feelings? I had to do it, anyone else would have turned into Sammy here. You know my saying all it takes is a pencil and a dream well it isn't just a pencil and a dream it also takes an imagination." Joey says and Henrys eyes turn to red and the glow dissipears. "There is two sides to Imagination, Joey. Good imagination and the tye that imagines killing your friends..." Henry says, his voice demonic and Joeys grin grows.

"Master, Henry isn't himself." Sammy whispers to me. "Look at this, it's exstravigant, amazing and you helped create this!" Joey says gesturing towards everything.

Henry snaps his good hand and Alice apears from the ground, infront of him, eyes full of fear. Henry removes the cloth from her face to reveal that half her face has been destroyed. "What about your pressious Alice Angel because I've been told my original Alice was dead, she isn't looking to good?~ Does she look exstravigant?" Henry says an evil grin on his face as his teeth seemingly grow sharper. Joeys smile drops and he looks at Alice with shock. I can feel the energy radiate off of Henry and it's off putting.

Ink serounds Herny's good hand as Alice stands frozen. "Bendy help!" She yells and the ink forms a blade. "Henry stop!" I yell and Henry freezes looking at me. "This isn't you!" I yell and Henrys eyes flicker between normal and red. Henry yells in agony as he steps back, the ink dissipearing as he grabs his head. Alice falls to the floor as Joey helps her out of the room, he stands in the door watching.

Henry's eyes stop on red and he turns to me and Sammy angrily. "I'll kill you..." Henry says an evil grin growing onto his face. "What!?" Me and Sammy yell in unisson as the blade reapears. "This is happening because I created you and if I had never greated you then this world wouldn't exist and this wouldn't be happening!" Henry yells and Joeys grin grows. "Henry this isn't you!" Sammy yells and Henry snaps making him freeze, unable to move. I dodge his swing and fall to the floor as his eyes flicker. I back into a corner, tears filling my eyes as I cover my eyes.

Silence... I remove my hands from view to see Henry, crying, his eyes normal. The ink dissipears and he shakes. "B-B-Bendy I'm sorry!" Henry says falling to his kneese, pulling me into a tight embrace. I sigh with releaf, hugging him tightly. Sammy runs over saying "Joey ran off!" Henry doesn't let go off me for a moment and I don't try to push him off, it feels nice. Henry backs away from me and whipes his eyes.

I stand and so dos Henry as Sammy says "Something triggered Henry, making him very calm and imotionless and his eyes glowed gold, his anger clouded his judgement and he became violent- Joey tiggered his violent state while something triggered his calm state." I hang my head when suddenly Henry starts walking out of the room, limping from his previous injeries. "Henry!" I yell and he stops turning to me, his eyes glowing gold as he tilts his head.

"Henry?..." I ask and he points out the door. "You want us to follow?" Sammy asks and Henry nods. Dropping his hands to his side before continuing out the door, me and Sammy following quickly to a throne like room... my throne room? Henry walks over to my hiding spot for the tape and pulls it out. I lose controle and turn int the ink demon, grabbing the tape. "We aren't recetting the cycle?!" I yell in my demonic voice and he doesn't even flinch, just stares at me.

I turn normal and put the tape back in it's spot. Henry pats me on the head with his good hand. I push his hand away and he tilts his head before pointing at where the tape is. "No!" I yell and he lowers his hand quickly, as if scared but he doesn't show it. Hnery snatches the tape and keeps it out of my reach. "Henry!" Me ans Sammy yell as he looks at the tape closely. Henry pulls an ink pen from a hidden slot under the film, without damidging it as the pen glows red then gold. Henry writes in the air Alice Angel, the ink gold and suddenly a version of Alice apears with a sweat smile.

"A-A-Alice..." Henry says with a struggle and the Alice scrunches their nose. "C-Can I be called something else?... Alisson maybe?" The new Alice asks and Henry nods. "B-B-Borris..." Henry says with sturggle and it clicks, he needs an Alice to help find Borris! "What?" Allisson asks and I roll my eyes. "We need an... Alice to help find Borris!" I say and Sammy jumps happily. "Of course, only an version of Alice would know where he was hidden!" Says Sammy and Alice nods with a sweet smile. Henry sticks the pen back in the hidden slot before his eyes flicker and turn normal. Henry gasps, coughing as he falls to the floor, the tape slides.

"W-Where am I?... What ha-happened?" Henry asks as Sammy helps him up. "We'll explain later but you're weak and can't walk properly... right now we need to go find Borris." I say bitterly and Henry hangs his head. "Henry will most likely faint again, he looks like he's just about to." Whispers Sammy to me. Henry grabs the tape and looks at it closely. Henry coughs up some ink and spits it onto the floor. "Let's just go!" I say grapping the tape and pushing it into it's spot. We begin walking through the halls and Henry falls a little behind.

Sammy walks next and whispers "He might grow more cerupted and lose control, he might kill us or when he escapes he could kill someone in the outside world." I sigh knowing how it feels to fear losing control of the beast, the ink demon and i look back at Henry who looks dizzy and light headed, his skin growing more pail and his teeth still sharp from his cerupted imagination. The ink demon takes controle and I feel myself grow and everyone gasps. The ink covers my face but I can still see as the Ink Demon turns to Henry and kneels down to Henrys hight with the large grin. "W-What?..." Henry asks, his eyes flickering red as he grits his teeth.

"You are weak and need to rest or else you could kill everyone... The only reason I'm not killing you know is because your pressious Bendy. Relax your body and let yourself fall~" The ink demon says in a calm echoey voice. After a moment Henrys eyes begin to fall and suddenly they go limp. The ink demon catches them and lifts them, handing them to Sammy before letting me incontrol. I turn normal and shake my head as Alisson and Sammy give me a shocked look. I push past and Alisson just continues us down the halls. "Damn it ink!" I think to the Ink demon who's laugh echoes through my thoughts.
<Error_Code> Wow... Including this it's 1693 words. Thank you for reading, there will be more!

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