17. Mercedes

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Repost from @secretlifeofemilia ig stories

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Repost from @secretlifeofemilia ig stories

👥️️ username1: she seems so close to the Mercedes team that I wouldn't be surprise if she's dating George

   ↳  username2: I think the same! But she looks close to other teams too

   ↳  username3: first the pic with roscoe and now this 😳

👥️️ username4: she was sitting with George?
   ↳  username5: it looks like she is!

👥️️ username6: her best friends it's lewis, her favorite person it's toto and probably dating George right now... she screams "Mercedes girl" all over her face 😂
   ↳  secretlifeofemilia: damn, I didn't know we were playing two truths and one lie 😂

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