19. helmet

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@secretlifeofemilia: sometimes I wonder if he actually thinks in anything else than racing a car 🙄

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@secretlifeofemilia: sometimes I wonder if he actually thinks in anything else than racing a car 🙄

👥️️ username1: even in a plane he use his helmet
   ↳ secretlifeofemilia: he says "I need to visualize it in my head"
   ↳ username2: cute
   ↳ secretlifeofemilia: psycho

👥️️ username3: are you going to the next GP?
   ↳ secretlifeofemilia: yes! As always cheering for my boyz at Mercedes 🥳
   ↳ username4: why you're always at Mercedes if you're not dating George or Lewis? 🤔
   ↳ secretlifeofemilia: the easy answer: I like to cheer for my friends 🥰
   ↳ username5: the not so easy answer then? 😂
   ↳ secretlifeofemilia: let's just say I work for the team

👥️️ username6: hoping to see you there!
   ↳ secretlifeofemilia: I'm hiding most of the time 😂

👥️️username7: that's how you meet your boyfriend?
   ↳ secretlifeofemilia: yes, boyfriend and friends! Is there another way to meet them? They're OBSESSED with racing and wining 😂
   ↳  username8: admitting that you only like drivers?
   ↳  secretlifeofemilia: last time I used sarcasm nobody got it, not gonna make the same mistake twice. I love my boyfriend. He's not british. I'm not with him because I want his money or something like that. I'm with him because his an amazing human and he loves me 🤯

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[N/A: I'm sorry I didn't posted yesterday the bonus chapter 😭 I'm going to try to post another one later.

Also I posted the three first chapters of other story I'm starting. It's in spanish, but hope some of you can give it a chance ♡]

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