33. morning date

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@username1: OMG GUYS ! WE JUST SAW @secretlifeofemilia AND HER BOYFRIEND AT THE BEACH!!! 

@username2: omg take this down please!

@username3: who was she with ???
   ↳  username1: comment deleted

@username4: she's dating Charles right ??? Just need the confirmation
   ↳  username1: comment deleted

@username5: she was with Carlos or Pierre???
   ↳  username1: comment deleted

@username6: I just read that the girl followed them to where they're staying 😳 that's scary
   ↳  username1: idc

@secretlifeofemilia: delete this please 🥰

   ↳  username3: why they have to ruin everything? 😫 this relationship it's my favorite from the grid

   ↳  secretlifeofemilia: it's not about ruining something, it's about how she can be sue for sharing private stuff

@username7: omg you know it's real when emilia says she'll sue the girl...

   ↳  username8: actually did you saw that someone who works from ferrari followed the girl on insta? I guess Emilia was very serious about the sue...

   ↳  secretlifeofemilia: emilia was trying to be nice and talk to the girl, but I won't because no one should follow people on the street or to where they live. That's fucked up guys... stop trying to make our relationship your own circus

@username9: did he just responded using her account ???

   ↳  username8: he sounds angry 😥

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