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@secretlifeofemilia: one from the archive 📁

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@secretlifeofemilia: one from the archive 📁

username1: she was at alpha tauri 💀

username2: well that reduces the list 🙂
   ↳  username3: she said that was old 🤔
   ↳  username2: yeah, but check the positions
   ↳  username3: so? maybe someone invited her
   ↳  username4: oh yes, and they also invited me to go next week just for fun 🙃

username5: so... we saw photos of her at alpha tauri, mclaren and alfa romeo? Someone explain me hOW SHE DO IT ???
   ↳  username6: siri how can I be her?

username7: she's living everyone's dream
   ↳  username8: the saddest thing it's that she maybe doesn't realize how lucky she is 😭

username9: Piere at the top of the list again 😂
   ↳  username7: shut up, I'm gonna cry 😢

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