13. christmas

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Repost from @secretlifeofemilia ig stories

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Repost from @secretlifeofemilia ig stories

👥️️ username1: officially confirmed that they had been together for more than a year 😫

   ↳  username2: how it was even possible for them to keep it secret for so long?

   ↳  username3: I was thinking the same! I mean, they look pretty close and happy

   ↳  username4: and it seems like she's friend with a lot of drivers, so everyone should know who's she with 🤔

   ↳  username3: though she has photos on her profile for way longer than a year, so I guess she used to be there a lot

👥️️ username5: omg the face of max 😂😂😂

👥️️ username6: OK. Hear me out, there was a few people who were single last year, not many so that could help maybe 🤔

   ↳  username7: correct me if I'm wrong, but Piere wasn't single last year

   ↳  username8: around Christmas time he was single

   ↳  username7: but she said that they were dating for more than a year, so... that means that they got together way before Christmas

   ↳  username6: I'm pretty sure Charles and George were single too around that time but not sure

   ↳  username8: I remember someone saying he was single in Mexico 🤔

   ↳  username9: this is getting more and more ridiculous

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