15. favorite person

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Repost from @secretlifeofemilia ig stories

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Repost from @secretlifeofemilia ig stories

👥️️ username1: okay, can we now reorder the positions of who probably it's her boyfriend? Because there's too much Mercedes content lately 💀

   ↳  username2: my bets are: George, Carlos and Piere. The photos in Alpha Tauri still in my mind

   ↳  username3: Carlos, George and Lando for sure are my top 3 ❤️‍🔥

   ↳  username4: I'll say: George, Charles and my bet with Carlos it's that they are really good friends 🤔

   ↳  username5: now it's when we found out that she's the lost child of Toto and she's dating George 💀

   ↳  username6: and it was Toto's plan for her lost daughter to date a future world champion ❤️‍🔥

   ↳  username7: alexa play mastermind by Taylor swift 😂

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