a snuggly night

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It was 11pm nether ash or his boyfriend goh could sleep so goh descended the shared ladder on there bunk bed and climbed into bed with his confused boyfriend

"Goh! Why are you in my bed!?"ash exclaimed

"Because nether of us can sleep so I thought maybe we could cuddle or something"goh replied

"I guess so"ash said wrapping himself around his boyfriends body

"This is nice"goh said rubbing his nose on ashes

"Yea I could stay like this forever" ash stated pulling the blanket up to there necks

They stayed like that for awhile occasionally rubbing against each other and planting small kisses on the others cheek

"Hey goh can I ask you something" ash asked

"Sure anything" goh replied

"Why do you always seem so embarrassed to show affection to me in public" ash questioned

"Well I'm not used to it to be honest" he replied

"Why aren't you used to it" the raven haired boy pondered

"Nobody ever loved me like you know romantically like you do" he responded

"Well I'm glad I have you goh I really am" ash said with a smile

"I'm glad to have you too ash your the best thing to happen in my life" goh said also with a smile"

The clock hit 1am and both boys were out like a light ready to reburst with energy as soon as the dawn rose over the Horizon...

Word count 238

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