public affection NO!

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Goh as been in a relationship with ash for around 2 months now whilest the lab crew know about the relationship goh still doesn't like it when ash shows obvious affection to him in public here are few times ash did it anyway

(Time 1)

"Ash I think the professor needs us come on let's go" goh said to his partner

"Fine" ash replied

But when they entered the professors room ash kinda climbed his body onto gohs back with his arms around his neck and his legs around his body and he had buried his face in gohs shoulder and goh was a blushing mess but it was too late the professor whipped his head around and saw them like that and chuckled

"Well I wasn't expecting you to enter like this" the professor said laughing

"Trust me it wasn't my idea" goh said hiding his face

"I'm sorry goh I just want you too know I'm no afraid to show my love for you no matter where we are" ash said in a sad tone

"No ok were leaving whatever it was just text me" goh says as he walks of with ash on his shoulder"

(Time 2)

"Fine you can come to school with me" goh said with a defeated tone

"YAY"ash shouts

"Ok were here but you have to stay close to me I dont what you getting lost oh and dont do any of that lovely stuff" goh said with a sturn voice

Ash simply nodded with a small grin

Mid lesson ash started writing little love notes to goh and throwing them at him but the teacher took one and read it out loud in front of the whole class

"Dear my beloved goh I love you so much and cant wait until the lesson is finished so I can kiss you a million times love from you dear boyfriend ash" the teacher read out

The whole class erupted into laughter after the class goh took ash and gave him a stern talking to

(Time 3)

"Ok we cam go to the market just as long as you promise to behave"goh said

"Promise" ash said with a smile

Mid way through the shopping spree ash grabbed him into a long kiss but goh immediately broke it and screamed at him

"Stop what are you doing were in public" goh said angrily

"Sorry I'll stop..." ash said

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