the world and globe

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The world of people it spans the whole globe people and pokemon work in harmony and some pokemon are violent but through all the horrors of life and the world love will always live in this case it's with us ash love lives with us I love you and you love me that's called fate and fate is powerful if you think for long enough you can see a whole world and millions of lives go by and we are just two of them and yet we met and were happy and that's the pinnacle of luck and fate from kanto to unova and paldea love exists but so dose pain and despair but that's why things are equal when someone says somethings unfair some where out there it is fair all things happen for a reason and I exist for you to love and you exist for me to love just like dialga exists to love time and palkia to love space so that's how things work so now GO TO SLEEP!

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