to care when your ill

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Ash had a pretty bad fever and goh has tasked himself to take care of his boyfriend

Goh woke up to some pretty severe coughs from below him it must have been his boyfriend ash

"Ash are you ok" goh asked softly from above

" I dont think so" ash responded in a raspy voice

"I'm coming down" goh said as he descended the ladder

"What's wrong ash"goh asked

"I'm coughing alot and I'm really cold"ash told goh

"Ok I'll be right back" goh said

Goh raced out the room and grabbed a wet cloth and a small bucket of cold water and returned to ash

"This will help you've got a fever" goh said and put the cold wet cloth on ashes forhead

"B..but I'm still cold"ash said

"I'll get in bed with you then" goh said in a sleepy tone

This was the first time thay had slept together in the 3 months they had been dating ash was nervous but that nerve was calmed when the heat from gohs cuddle warmed him right up

"This better" goh asked

"So much better" ash said as he drifted of to sleep

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