glimmering morning

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It was 7am in the morning everyone was still asleep it looked a little something like this

Ash and gohs room:

A small beam of sunlight peaked through the slightly parted curtain on the bottom bunk lay ash ketchum sprawled out on the bed snoring lightly with a pikachu top on and white shorts and next to him lay his boyfriend goh with a black and gray top on with a arrow on it he had gray sweat pants on and blow the bed on the floor lay a pikachu and a raboot fast asleep

Chloe's room: the room was pretty bright with chloe fast asleep on the medium sized bed with a floral pattern on the sheets on the bottom of the bed lay a tired yamper the mirror on her desk glimerd and her uniform was neatly folded on her side table

Parker's room: the room was a mess with countless toys and action figures flung across the room and cloths spewing out his drawers and dresser he was asleep on his bed with charazard sheets snoring

Professor cerises room:the room was pitch black and silent no snoring just silence his lab coat hung up on the back of the door and his wife's drawing supplies tucked neatly in a box on there shared desk...

Sorry for the late post iv been playing pokemon violet for like 8 hours straight lol🤣

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