never felt like this before

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Ash has travelled the world for a while now met so many people and has never felt like this before it's a weird but nice feeling so he decides to ask chloe

"Hey chloe can I come in I need to ask you something" ash said through a door

"Sure I guess come in" chloe responds

He enters and sits down

"So what's up" chloe asks

"Well I have been feeling strange lately iv never felt this before" ash says

"Well describe it to me" chloe says now interested

"Well it feels weird but it's also nice I only feel like this when I'm around a particular person I feel warm kinda and nervous a bit confused maybe and iv never felt this way I'm so dumbfounded" ash replied

"What you said you only feel like this around one person right" chloe says thinking hard

"Yea what dose that matter" ash says confused

"Iv got it that feeling it...LOVE your in LOVE" chloe tells ash

"Well ok but with who" ash says puzzled

"Well only you can answer that think who makes you feel like that" she answered

"I think its..goh?" Ash replied

"Goh! Your in love with goh? What that means" Chloe says to ash

"Well I suppose I am" ash says and leaves to find goh...

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