caught cuddling

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It was 2pm in the afternoon and light beamed through the windows and light up the living room of cerise laboratory on the sofa lay goh with ash curled up in his arms they were cuddling and being all lovey then everyone came home

"Finally I'm home" chloe says to herself with professor cerise next to her

"Were are ash and goh?" Chloe asked

"The living room I think" the professor answered

She entered the living room to see the two boys embraced by one another and she kinda froze and the professor came to see what's up

"What's wrong chloe?" The professor asked

"Well there definitely in there..." chloe replied

"What are they doing?"the professor asked his daughter

"Yk lovely stuff I guess..." she said

"Oh well leave them to it then" he responded with a light chuckle

"Well shouldn't they be doing more productive things?" She said confused

"trust me just leave them" he said walking off

But chloe doesn't and decided she would intrude and enter the room

"What are you two doing!" Chloe asked

" waaa! Oh it's just you knock next time and were cuddling ALONE if you must know and I'd really like to get back to that so go away " goh said annoyed

"Ummmm... NO! This is a public living room not you cuddle room so no I wont leave" she said mocking them

"Its not really my fault ash decided on the most inconvenient place to cuddle and I'm not just going to say no to that face!" Goh replied

" EW I dont even what to be here" she said and left

The two boy just laughed and kissed...

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