2- Should Have Been

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--- Sakura's dream ---

"We were just coming to find you" her husband says as he places the twins on the mat on the ground.

Sakura runs over to her husband as she wraps her arms around his torso, hugging him tightly, "I was just coming back from the village".

"You seem tired my dear, you should get some rest!" her husband says as she looks up at him.

"It's no bother, plus, I haven't seen my family all day. I can stay up a bit longer" Sakura says as her husband brings her hair out of her face for her.

"You're so hard-working" her husband says as Sakura kneels down to her children.

Sakura picks up the child, the boy, who has red hair with white tips as the child tries to balance themselves by standing on her legs.

"You've been getting much better at standing recently, Asahi" Sakura compliments as she smiles at the boy.

Her husband picks up their second child, the girl, who has white hair with red tips, "Ayane is slowly catching up".

"You're doing such a good job" Sakura says as she reaches over and ruffles her daughter's hair.

--- Tanjiro's dream ---

"Welcome back Tanjiro!" Hanako says happily as Tanjiro comes in from chopping some wood.

"Where's Nezuko?" Tanjiro asks as he looks around at his siblings.

"Nezuko went down the mountain to pick some vegetables" Takeo says as Tanjiro nods.

"In broad daylight?" Tanjiro asks worriedly.

"Should she not do that?" Shigeru asks confused.

Why did I say that?

Tanjiro asks himself.

"Sorry guys. Um, where's Sakura-san?" Tanjiro asks as he looks at Hanako.

"Who's Sakura-san?" Hanako asks as she raises a brow.

"What do you mean?" Tanjiro asks confused.

"You're one to talk, is she your girlfriend or something?" Hanako asks excitedly.

"Sakura-san, the girl with white hair and black tips" Tanjiro says as if it's obvious.

"Tanjiro, are you feeling well?" Takeo asks as he looks at Tanjiro.

"You have to know who Sakura-san is. Hanako, she used to read to you all the time. Rokuta, she always used to walk around with you until you fell asleep. Takeo, she played games with you outside all the time. And Shigeru, she used to show you magic tricks" Tanjiro says, trying to make them remember.

"You must be ill" Shigeru says with a small chuckle.

"Children, dinner is nearly ready" Kie says as she comes in from the kitchen.

Mother will remember Sakura-san.

Tanjiro reassures himself.

"Mother, where is Sakura-san?" Tanjiro asks as he looks at Kie.

"Who's Sakura?" Kie asks confused.

"Sakura-san, the girl who you took in as a caregiver. 22 years old, looked after Father before he passed away. You took her in when her parents died" Tanjiro explains.

"You must've been out in the cold for too long" Kie says with a small giggle.

"I'm gonna go get some water" Tanjiro says as he shakes his head.

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