3- Insult

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Hey guys, quick reminder for you all. As previously mentioned, even though Nezuko doesn't act her age as a demon, her brain is still human and mature so she understands everything that's going on. That is why you will be able to see Nezuko's thoughts.

Tanjiro wakes up with a loud yell as he stares outside of the window, as he scares Nezuko who stands behind him.

It's okay, it's all good. You're alive Tanjiro.

Tanjiro reassures himself as Nezuko peers over the armrest of the bench on the train. Tanjiro turns around and faces Nezuko as she guards her forehead from him.

"Nezuko, are you okay?" Tanjiro asks as he looks at her.

Nezuko groans slightly in annoyance at her brother's stubbornness. Tanjiro looks over at Inosuke who is growling slightly in his dream. He then looks at Zenitsu who's face switches from a smile to a grimace. He finally looks at Rengoku who's face twitches as he holds one of the children in the air by their neck. Nezuko tugs on Tanjiro's sleeves as he looks down to her. He sees her pointing over at something as he looks over and sees Sakura asleep, her head leant against Nezuko's box. Tanjiro kneels down in front of Sakura who cries as blood starts to appear on her face.

"Nezuko, why is there blood on her face?" Tanjiro asks as he looks at Nezuko.

Nezuko simply shrugs.

"Sakura-san, wake up!" Tanjiro shouts as he shakes Sakura by her shoulder's, trying to get her to wake up, "wake up, you'll die if you don't".

All of a sudden, Sakura's ribs break as the sound is heard clear as day, shocking Tanjiro as he stumbles back slightly.

"It'll be okay, Sakura-san will be okay" Tanjiro reassures Nezuko as she starts to cry.

--- in Sakura's nightmare ---

Sakura manages to stand up as she unsheathes her sword. Hot pink fire forms around her as it burns the grass around her.

"Nezuko" Sakura says softly as Muzan finally gets the rest of Sakura's husband's skin from his body.

"Is that the Kamado child's younger sister's blood demon art? She's turned into a powerful demon" Muzan taunts.

"Don't you dare speak of her!" Sakura spits.

"You know how I am, don't you Sakura. I always leave one person from each family alive so they can tell the story. Nezuko was simply an experiment. If she continues to prove useful, I'll call on her" Muzan says as he smirks.

"Shut the hell up!" Sakura yells as she sprints right at Muzan, swinging her sword at him, only for him to dodge her attack.

--- on the train ---

Tanjiro finally comes up with a plan as Nezuko holds Sakura's hand, nuzzling her head into her.

"Nezuko, I'm going after the demon causing all of this" Tanjiro explains as Nezuko looks at him, "look after Sakura-san for me and keep on trying to wake everyone up. If anyone tries to attack, you should protect our friends".

Nezuko nods as Tanjiro jumps on top of the carriage through the window. Nezuko returns to her friends as she burns the ropes that connect the three remaining demon slayers to the children. Nezuko walks over to Sakura and she wipes some of the blood from Sakura's face with the sleeve of her kimono. All of a sudden, one of the children try to attack her from behind as she dodges out of the way.

"Get out of my way!" the girl yells.

Is this girl possessed by a demon? Is she like me?

Nezuko asks herself.

"Thank to you and the demon slayers, we won't be able to have good dreams. Why're you even helping the demon slayers when you yourself are a demon!?" the girl questions.

Why're you a human working with the demons?

Nezuko asks. The other children around the two of them start to wake up as they gather around the girl.

Is she acting of her own free will?

Nezuko questions.

"Are you awake?" the girl asks as she looks over at the young boy who was tied to Tanjiro, "if you are you'd better help us! You may have tuberculosis or whatever it is, but if you don't do your job, he'll make sure we never have good dreams ever again!".

That boy must be ill.

Nezuko says as all of the children apart from the boy who was tied to Tanjiro try to attack her. Nezuko dodges out of the way of the attacks. Nezuko hits them all on the back of the neck, knocking them all out.

"I'm sorry about what we did to that girl, your friend. Sakura, I think you said her name was" the boy says as Nezuko looks at him, "the person in charge, the demon in control of all of this, he wants the girl. That boy who was next to her, he injected her with something. The only way she can wake up is if she kills the thing that's keeping her in her nightmare. If she doesn't wake up, the man will come take her away".

Nezuko furrows her brows as the boy walks off. Nezuko runs back over to Sakura as she starts to shake her again.

--- in Sakura's nightmare ---

Sakura and Muzan engage in a hand on hand fist fight with each other, Muzan clearly winning.

"I'll tell you once again, you've grown weaker!" Muzan taunts.

"Shut the hell up! You're the weak on!" Sakura yells as she punches him in the face.

"You continue to make excuses for your weakness when in reality, you know exactly what's holding you back" Muzan says as he grabs her head and forces it downwards, kneeing her in the nose.

"Shut the hell up!" Sakura yells as she stumbles backwards.

"You should've taken my offer when I gave it to you" Muzan says as he grabs her by her hair and holds her against his body.

"If I did, I would have been stuck with you forever. That sounds like an absolute nightmare" Sakura says as she elbows Muzan in the stomach.

"That's funny. Last time I checked, this is a dream. You're stuck with me here so some part of you deep down must still have feelings for me" Muzan says as he stumbles backwards.

"Why don't you shut your trap and fight me with your full strength old man?" Sakura asks as she smirks.

--- on the train ---

Nezuko continues to burn her friends to try and get them to wake up, even though it has no effect on their physical bodies. All of a sudden, Inosuke wakes up as he yells, jumping upwards. He lands on the ground as Nezuko furrows her brows.

"Oi, get up!" Inosuke says as he walks to Sakura and he pulls on her arm.

Nezuko taps on Inosuke's arm as he turns around and crouches down to her, "Zenuko, where's Tanjiro?".

Nezuko furrows her brows as she points to the roof of the carriage.

"He's not on the roof" Inosuke says as Nezuko grunts in annoyance as she pushes him out of the carriage to the entrance where they can hear all of the carnage happening on the top of the train.

Inosuke nods as he walks back into the carriage. Inosuke braces himself as he jumps, ramming himself through the top of the carriage, landing on the roof. Nezuko watches him in pure embarrassment as she shakes her head.

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