Alternative TVD+TO story. Elena, Caroline and Bonnie will get caught up in the world of vampires and witches and their thousand year old feud. Elejah, Klaroline, Bamon....
'Let's forget about everything! That you are this ancient vampire, that I am some kind of a magical doppelganger!"-Elena whispered to Elijah looking at him with excelled desire in her eyes-"let's just be Elena and Elijah?!"
"You don't know how much I want that!!"- he said as if in a trance-
"Elena!"-he said nearing her and embracing her warmly.
Elena held onto him. Her whole being trembled with happiness as her wish for feelings returned were now declared. She now moved a little to face him again. He could see the happiness in her eyes and his reason now once again battled with his heart drumming in words he tried to blank out-she had already changed because of us- remember what happened to Katerina-
Elena's lips now touched his and his heart shut the rule of reason and they wondered away, finding themselves in a hotel room.
The world outside didn't matter, at least at that very moment. He weaved his fingers through her long hair looking at her captivatingly- and her hands were now pulling his shirt out of his trousers up, so she could slide them up his back slowly teasing him as she brushed up it with her feather-light touches. She could see that he had already been taken in by it making his suppressed desire he so kept under control now burst out. He pulled her into a kiss slowly, his lips and hers playing a teasing dance, deepening the want by every motion, tongues now touching making them both gasp hungrily for more.
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His heart was in her hands and there was nothing he cared about in that very moment but to give himself completely over to her.
**** In Mystic Falls
A witch walked into the woods and soon disappeared like a ghost among the trees. She used a cloaking spell only a few witches possessed. * Klaus played with a drawing of Caroline reminiscing about their night together. She was exquisite in every sense. The night of passion was like no other. This woman marked him and his heart burnt him as he was not letting it take control.
'She is just means to an end"- Klaus threw the drawing into the fire.
"Ready for it"- Sabrina, one of his witches came into his room announcing that it was time for the cleansing ritual.
Klaus glanced at the fire once more before he followed the witch. Leave all behind-drummed in his head as he walked out of the door.
*** Pulling in the Lockwood's driveway Caroline swore angrily. No matter what methods she used to convince Tyler that it was a train-wreck decision to face his father's kidnappers, all fell like into deep water. She got out of her car slamming the door furiously, then running into the Mansion shouting his name.
"Tyler is not here"- Mrs Lockwood said meeting her now.
"His car??"- Caroline then said-"it's out there"
"Oh, he just got the gun and went"
"A gun? Right- huh- ugh-" Caroline took her phone out trying to get Tyler who was not answering. "Damn!"- she exclaimed.