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~ Seems like every time I get the chance I lose my cool, and I blow it and I get all tongue-tied.Lost in your eyes
I'm a fool, and I know it~
Should've kissed you by Chris Brown

🤍5:the news spread fast🤍

Marcus woke up in a very bad mood. He was pretty sure what he did yesterday was all over the school. He was sure they were blaming him for the fight, even tho he didn't start it. But what he was mostly scared of was Vivienne finding out about it and hating him.

He didn't need to worry about anything, cause she wasn't interested in any school drama. She was too busy thinking about her own things.

"Did you heard about what happened at school yesterday?", Ajax, Vivienne's best friend and the guy Marcus saw her with yesterday said to her the moment he saw me walking on school grounds, "The news are everywhere".

"What news?", Vivienne asked her friend and opened her locker to leave her art supplies inside. She wasn't playing, she really didn't care at all what happened yesterday.

"Marcus Fallon beat up a guy yesterday", Ajax started explaining the situation, "They say he was defining himself, but I don't think so".

Marcus? The guy I met yesterday? Vivienne thought for a moment, while she was picking up her notebooks for her next class, I didn't think he was the violent type of guy.

"What was the reason of the fight?", Vivienne suddenly became very interested.

"It was about some girl. Apparently Jack's girl has some health problems and when he spoke about it Marcus called it a bummer, or something like that", Ajax explained.

"That's it? That's such a dumb reason".

Vivienne and Ajax weren't the only one talking about the whole situation. When Marcus walked inside the building all eyes of his classmates fell on him. He looks around only to see the disgust on their faces.

Of course he felt bad, he put a guy in a hospital over nothing. Marcus put his hood on and just continued walking forward. His friends were waiting for him by his locker. Jordan was just leaning against the lockers, while Enrico was fighting with his life to defend Marcus.

And when the star of the show showed up, they both gave him a disapproving look. Marcus just removed his hood and opened his locker to get his stuff for the first period. Jordan was looking at him the whole time not saying a word about it. But Enrico had some other plans in mind for Marcus.

"What happened yesterday, man?", the words slip out of Enrico's mouth and Marcus just sighs. He was so tired of questions.

"Nothing major. I thought out loud", Marcus told the truth, but his friends didn't buy it at all. He closed the door of his locker and walks away, but he ain't getting away.

"Hold on", Enrico grabs him by the upper part of his arm and makes him spin back, Marcus faces his friend and looks at them with annoyance written on his face, "What's going on with you lately, Marcus? You're not acting like yourself, buddy, we are worried for you".

"Thanks, guy, but I'm fine. Really", Marcus assures his friends and put the fakes smile on his face to play it off, "I just have some bad days, it will be completely fine".

Marcus wasn't sure in his own words, but he didn't want his friends to worry about him. He was just confused in his own abilities to stay true to himself.

Growing up in a family, that compares you to literally everything your brother does was a little bit too much for Marcus. And his mother made sure he knew how far behind Marcus was from his older brother Mateo.

His mother was a very strict woman. She only wanted the best from her boys and nothing less, he always had high hopes for Marcus and he made sure to do everything in his power to satisfy his mom. From music lessons to sports, good studies and grades, he was what every parent wants from their child. But unfortunately for him..it was never enough.

That's why Marcus grew up with low expectations of love and he was pretty sure women can never be satisfied. He never saw love, so he didn't knew how to give love. And the moment he shared with Vivienne was a new experience for him. That's why he didn't know how to act.

He didn't want to ask his friends for any advices, because he was used to dealing with things on his own. And he was pretty sure they will tease him a lot after that. Plus, Vivienne has a boyfriend, he reminded himself. There was thing thought on the back of his head once again. The boyfriend...

"What's your punishment for the fight?", Jordan looks at his friends, while poor Marcus was spacing out. He wasn't the type to go and stuck his nose into his friend's business, but he knew something was up.

"Nothing much, just detention", Marcus gave one dry response after coming back to his senses, "But I have shit at home, that I have to deal with till my moms calm down".

"That sucks man".

"Yeah, I know. I can't wait till my last year is done, so I can move the fuck out and be my own person", Marcus slams the door of his locker and held his stuff in his hands, "Shall we get going, or you're skipping?".

"Nah, I can't skip. The principal will call my father again and I'm doomed".

"Seems like I'm not the only one struggling".

"No shit, Marcus", Jordan said with sarcasm in his voice, his eyes widen like he couldn't believe what he was hearing. It made Marcus chuckle a little bit, but it didn't distract him from his situation, "Let's go".

"Actually", Marcus stops at one spot, "I think I'll go to one place before class".

"Ahhh, I get it",Jordan nods his head, "It's so shitty, when you feel that you gotta shit right before class. I understand you, brotha".

"What? No, I'm not going to shit man".

"There's nothing to be ashamed off, I too had pooped in school. It's fine".

"Just go, bro".

"Aight, but if there's so toilet paper make sure to call me. Don't use your socks", Jordan taps one of Marcus's shoulders and turns his back at his friend leaving Marcus completely speechless for once.

This guy is something else, Marcus though to himself before started running to his little destination. He wanted to go and check the art room for that drawing Vivienne did for him. At least he wanted to have one look at it.

Marcus stops in front of the cabinet and slowly twisted the doorknob to open the door. He got a little peak inside and thankfully there was no one in the room. He walks in and quietly shuts the door behind him. Throwing his backpack on the ground Marcus walks up to the big canvas, that was sitting in the middle of the room covered with a big piece of fabric.

He slowly pulls the fabric away to reveal the big ass drawing of him just standing there. For a moment Marcus was speechless. Every part of his face was so beautifully done, his eyes looks like they had spark in them, his lips looked way softer than they actually are. Even his shoulders looked way wider. He looked so good, that he would definitely date himself.

She's really talented, Marcus though to himself and observed every part of that beautiful piece of art. The highlights, the shadows, it all made him look way hotter than he actually is. Does she see me that hot in real life? This question pops in his head and a little smile appears on his pale face. He was really enjoying himself before he heard the door opening.

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