𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐫𝐚 𝐛𝐢𝐞𝐧

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~ In the dark right now.Feeling lost, but I like it.Comfort in my sins, and all about me.All I got right now.Feel the taste of resentment.Simmer in my skin~
Shirt by SZA

🤍14:everything is messed up🤍

"I can't believe you dared to speak like that to my mother!", Matteo was shouting at his girlfriend in front of the restaurant they were just in minutes ago, his veins on his forehead were popping out, his body tense, his face like a wild beast in front of the woman that he was happily holding couple hours ago.

"Someone had to say it, Theo", Clara shouts back at him, she never once in her life dared to shout at him, not even when he was as weak and as messed up as Marcus, "I can't believe you just let her talk to Marcus like that. You could've said something".

"What could've I done? I've been trying for years to fix things up, don't you think I deserve a little bit of credit?", Matteo asked.

"Oh, please! You get enough credit, in fact you get all the credit possible, you have it all for yourself and you love it", Clara once again yells at him, "You know that Marcus is a special kid, you know that he's not dumb and he has never been dumb, so you feel intimidated by him and you're scared he'll surpass you. That's why you don't do anything about the situation and you don't stand up to your mom, because she's doing the dirty work for you!".

"I refuse to be blamed any longer for this! I refuse to be the one that everyone blames for the way my brother is treated!", Matteo lost it completely, "I refuse to feel guilty over something that shouldn't be my problem. I refuse to fight against something, that I have no part in! It's all on me!".

"Like it or not Marcus is your brother. He had no one growing up, no one, while you had your mother at least! He had no one to help him, no one to tell him how proud they are of him, no one to tell him that they love him! No mother, no father and certainly no brother. I hope you feel guilty, because this kid HAS BEEN suffering for YEARS and years. He doesn't deserve it. And I won't be a part of a family that won't accept all the members".

Clara stood in front of Matteo, she removed what seemed to be an engagement ring off her finger and threw it in Matteo's feet. Then she got into a taxi and left the guy standing there staring at the ring.

Marcus was hiding behind the corner watching as the life of his brother was falling apart and he felt extremely guilty for it. The boy put his hood on and just turn his back at the scene to walk away. Holding all his stuff in his backpack Marcus was walking all alone on the streets.

The battery of his phone almost dying, none of his friends picking up his calls. He had one more chance before his phone dies completely, so he decided to call the person, who was most likely to help him out. Vivienne.

"Hello", Vivienne's sweet and cheery voice was like a sweet melody to Marcus's ear, when she picked up the phone.

"Vivienne, I don't have much time to talk", he started speaking very fast, "I'm almost out of battery and I gotta make it quick".

"Marcus, are you okay?", Vivienne suddenly got really worried.

"Can I come over? Just for a little bit. I really wanna see you and talk to you".

"Yeah, s-sure. Come".

"I'll be there in 10 minutes".

𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now