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I went back with Nung to the resort. But I couldn't help thinking about Beam and how we had kissed earlier. I just lost control of the situation.

I'm often the one who's looking out for people even amongst my friends and suddenly I have this guy who I don't even like in the first place who has been just keeping his eye on me the whole time.

And as much as I wasn't used to it, my heart started warming to it and he, damn it was starting to foster a place in my mind and heart. Nung and I agreed to meet for breakfast and separated.

I went back to the room and realized Beam didn't come back. Where did he go? I showered and changed and was about to leave the room to go look for him when he came back.

"Where did you go to?"

"I.. I went to get a drink."

"Oh. We are going for breakfast. Quickly get ready."

"You go ahead with Nung. Suyn and I are going elsewhere for breakfast."


"What you mean why? Nung wants to spend time with you and we decided to give you guys some private time."

"When was this decided?"

"I bumped into her on the way so she asked me and I agreed."


"You are a taken man Park. Don't forget that. Whatever happened, take it as a passing cloud. Your loyalty is very much appreciated so I'm sorry for having distracted you from that."

"Passing cloud?" I stuttered. Beam was quiet. I just looked at him but he looked away determinedly. I didn't say anything and jsut left.

"Get your head on straight Park." I kept chanting to myself as I went for breakfast. But all through breakast, only Beam filled my head. I watched as he went for breakfast with Suyn, at another cafe 2 doors down. Nung and I spent the day together, going biking, lunch and etc but something just nipped away at me the whole day. But I tried to shelve it aside and focused my attention on Nung.

"Is everything ok?"

"Hmm?" I looked at Nung.

"I asked if everything is OK. You been distracted the entire trip."

"Im fine. Don't worry. What do you want to do after this?"

"I like for you to tell me honestly how much you want this marriage."

"Why would you ask this? Of course I want it. It's been arranged by our parents."

"But do you want it? If our parents backed away now, would you end this arrangement?"

"Nung, what's wrong? Did I do or say something wrong?"

"You know what I always liked about you? That you are always so honest. So tell me, how much do you want to be married to me?"

"Nung.. I'm ok with it. I really don't mind marrying you."

"That is until Beam came into the picture right? Suddenly, you aren't so sure, are you?"


"I saw the kiss earlier."

I kept quiet. I didn't know how to respond.

"I do like you alot Park. Because you are sweet and honest. You've always been this to me but now I see those same feelings towards Beam. And I don't want you to feel like you have to marry me because of our parents. I can talk to them. Let's call off the engagement."

I stared stunned at Nung. Was it true? She would do that for me? I think I must have verbalised it out because she laughed at me, assuring me she speak to our parents. I nodded, feeling a little warm inside.

We finished off dinner and we went to meet Suyn and Beam for drinks. But Beam wasn't there. Hmm. Suyn said he could have gone back to the room first. I told the girls I go check on him and come back.

I went to the room but Beam wasn't there either. Oddly, his things weren't there either. Its like he had vanished. Did he go back without telling me?

I went back to the bar but found Nung crying away to Suyn. Damn. I had messed everything up, didn't I? And not knowing where Beam was, was the clincher. He wasn't answering my calls either.

I just sat down outside the bar for a while, just feeling completely lost for a minute and most importantly wondering wherever the heck Beam was.

In You, I Seek (ParkxBeam) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now