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I came back home earlier, knowing Park would be frantically looking for me. But I be damned if I came in between them.

I came back to my dorm. In frustration, I just smashed everything that I saw until I jsut fell onto the floor sobbing.

I look like an ass but I'm not, especially when it's about someone I like and this stupid Park was just growing on me. What the fuck. I wiped my tears away, resolute not to cross paths or interact with Park again.

I went to shower and came back to clean my room. As I was cleaning, I heard knocks. I went to open the door and there stood Park, glaring at me.

"You want to explain to me why you came back earlier without telling me?" Park uttered softly, taking a step towards me with every word.

"I wasn't well."

"Stop lying Beam. That's still no excuse to just take off."

"I couldn't find you. Wasn't feeling too good so i left. Anyways now you know."


"Don't Beam me Park. We aren't that close."

"You are kidding me right? You are really throwing that fucking line at me after I kissed you?!"

"A kiss doesn't mean anything."


"I said a kiss doesn't mean anything. Anyways that wouldn't happen again. Don't forget you have a fiancee."

"Beam. Listen..."

"Get out Park." And I pushed him out of the door before he could say another word and slammed the door on him. I slid down the door, spent out with frustration and all. I thought Park had gone away but he didn't for I heard his voice next through the door.

"That kiss wasn't a mistake nor a passing cloud. It came because I acted on my feelings. I hardly do that. And when I do, I stick to it all the way."

With that, I heard him walk away. I sighed softly but didn't say anything. I stayed indoors the whole weekend and didn't go anywhere. I went for classes on Monday as usual, looking a little more pale than normal. I definitely felt like I was coming down with something but I trudged on. I met Pha and Kit and we had classes till about 2pm when we finally ended. Forth wanted to bring Pha out for a movie so Pha dragged us along too. Lam and Park joined us too. I sighed when I saw him. But this time, Kit took my hand and dragged me to sit with him.

Say what? I looked at Kit and he looked upset but he also seemed to be ignoring Lam firmly. What was going on? I caught Park looking at me sadly too. Aish. Just then my phone beeped. It was Park.

"Lam wants to sit with Kit. Can you make it happen?"

I sighed. I looked at Lam who just cast me a soft glance and nodded his head. I side eyed Kit who was busy looking at his phone but I could see his eyes were teary. And our beloved couple? Both in their own world 2 rows in front. I rolled my eyes. I stood up, telling Kit i wanted to go to the toilet before the movie started. He nodded his head. I quickly switched seats with Lam before Kit could raise a fuss. Just then the movie started too so Kit had to shut up plus Lam held onto his hand firmly.

I sat down in Lam's previously occupied seat. I wanted to actually move to another empty seat right in front of me. Park must have understood it for he held onto my left hand tightly.

I turned to look at him. He had his eyes on the screen but his hand was firmly on mine.

"Don't even think about it."

I gulped silently and slid down my seat. Over the movie, Park gave me snacks and drinks. He just kept an eye on me. At one point, he saw me shiver and he shrugged off his jacket to put it on me. I looked at him but he didn't say anything.  It was a horror movie. Why the fuck would Pha choose this?! I looked over at them and then I realized. Oh his Forth was a scary cat. I chuckled. Smart move Pha as he held onto his boyfriend the whole time. I turned to look at Kit who kept screaming and holding onto Lam, whatever anger and sadness between them forgotten.

I face palmed and turned briefly to see Park. He was still and watching. Was he really not scared? Then I look closer and I realized his hands were slightly shaking. I stifled a laugh as Park suddenly jumped. He turned to see me and I quickly looked at the screen, not wanting to let him know I caught him in his embarrassing moment.

At one point, it got particularly horrifying. I knew he would be scared but restrain himself so i pretended to be afraid, screamed and held onto him. Park shed his fear in wanting to pacify me and it worked. For the rest of the movie, he was much more braver as he felt he had to look after me.

Park held onto me as we watched the movie. I decided to let him do so and it was comforting, not only for him but me too. I realized I missed him so much even though its been only 2 days. I breathed in his scent and soaked it in, hoping to retain it. Even without me realizing, my tears dropped whilst watching the movie. Park knew because all he did was, gently wipe them away as he held me.

As the movie drew to an end, we pulled away reluctantly. I coughed as I stood up, feeling extremely chilly despite the jacket. As we all came out of the theatre, I coughed again. Pha and Kit asked if I was ok. Park immediately felt me and realized I was burning up. Shit. I felt his eyes narrow at me.

"I will bring him to the doctor and send him home to rest. You guys go ahead with dinner ok? Lam keep an eye on Kit for Beam ok."

Lam nodded, holding onto Kit's hand. This Park just solved his and Lam's problem. I watched silently as he pulled me away. He told me to wait in front of the entrance as he left to get his bike.

"Stay Beam. Don't disappear on me again. Please."

I nodded quietly, clutching his jacket tightly around me.

In You, I Seek (ParkxBeam) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now