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Beam held onto my hand tightly as my father left us. I turned to look at him and my tears fell. He wiped it away gingerly and kissed the top of my hand.

"I'm sorry na. For hurting you so much. I never meant or wanted to. I just wanted to make sure I could keep everyone happy. Even if it meant I was unhappy. But in the process, I know I hurt you alot. I also realize there isn't a solution to everyone's happiness. But I want you Park. I..really cannot do without you.. "

I turned away, not wanting to let Beam see any more of my tears. I just felt Beam hold onto my hand tightly and kissed it repeatedly. A little while later, my parents walked in. Beam stood up, letting my mom sit with me whilst he stood at the opposite just watching me. My dad walked over to me and caressed my hair.

"You will have to stay for 2 nights but you will be discharged thereafter. Come back to home and recuperate ok?"

I looked at Beam from the side who just nodded. I agreed with my dad. My dad then turned to Beam, "It's better he stays with us so we can keep a close eye. But you are free to come over."

I admit that line made me smile. The smile flitted over involuntarily and my mom caressed my hand in joy too. I flicked a look at Beam who just blushed and nodded his head.

Over the next 2 days, Beam didn't leave my side at all. He was with me throughout. He helped me to shower, fed me my meals and ensured I wasn't bored. He would tell me stories and jokes of what was happening with the boys and this kept me in stitches.

2 days later, I got discharged. He followed me back home and stayed for abit, making sure I had my medicines and food before tucking me into bed. Its the first time someone has taken care of me so lovingly. I usually don't let anyone do it and to have Beam do it, it was indeed a very different feeling. I couldn't help but smile as I laid in bed, holding his hands as sleep overtook me.

I woke up around 7am and sat up, rubbing my eyes. I turned towards my right to take my phone which had been on the bed and got a heart attack when I saw Beam lying there, sleeping! He stayed over?! I just continued looking at Beam who was sleeping, completely tired out. I got out of bed slowly, not making any noise so that he can continue sleeping. I trudged down and saw my parents having breakfast.

"Park, get ready and come join us for breakfast. What do you want dearie? I can make it for you." My mom chattered cheerfully walking towards me. I just hugged her briefly in response and said anything will do. She went to the kitchen to make me a fresh cup of coffee and I looked over at my dad. He beckoned me over. I went and sat down, waii-ing respectfully to him.


"How do you feel?"

"OK na. Just a little pain in some areas."

"Remember to take your painkillers after this ok? I have informed your school so don't worry."

I nodded, the question dancing on the tip of my tongue. I think my father understood my dilemma. He smiled as he uttered, "I'm the one who asked Beam to stay over. It was 10pm by the time you finally fell asleep. There was no way I was going to let that boy go home alone at that timing. So I asked him to sleep over. Let him sleep first. Don wake him up, ok? He hasn't been sleeping at all."

I looked at my dad stunned. I nodded in agreement and then I went to get a shower and come back for breakfast. Just as we finished everything up, Beam came down, having showered too. He was very apologetic for having slept in late but my mum shushed him and jsut asked him to have some food. She fixed him a plate and I sat with him.

I leaned over and held onto his hand. "Park... don't do this. We are at home. Later your dad will nag at us.."

"He's in the room. He can't see. Let me be, naaaaa. Please. Naaa, naaa" I tried to pout and he laughed at me.

"You are so terrible at this pouting Park. Don't bother. It doesn't suit you."

I glared at him and then he chuckled even harder. "This is what I love about you. This icy cold glare. It suits you."

I growled at Beam lowly. He snickered and continued eating. Once he was done, we cleared it up and he gave me my medicines. Once I had it, he said he will go back to the dorm first to prep for school tomorrow. He said he will be back in the evening to see me. I nodded my head, albeit reluctantly, really not wanting him to go.

He bade my parents goodbye and was about to leave when my dad called out to him.

"Beam, when you come, bring some clothes too. You can stay here till Park recovers. So you don't have to make so many trips ok?"

I turned to look at my dad, stunned again. But it was an expression that was shared equally by me and Beam. Was my dad actually softening towards Beam?

Either way, 2nd baby step and we were grateful for it. Beam nodded, smiled at me and left. I stood at the door, watching him go off, unaware that both of my parents were watching as to how happy I was as I watched Beam.

In You, I Seek (ParkxBeam) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now